from 1937 - 1939 Unterseebootsflottille "Lohs"*
Frontflottille (Combat Flotilla)
since Sept 1939
10.37 - 12.39 03.41 - 09.41 10.41 - 09.44 |
Kiel Kiel La Pallice / La Rochelle (France) |
Flotilla Commanders
10.37 - 12.39 03.41 - 07.41 07.41 - 03.42 03.42 - 06.42 06.42 - 10.44 |
Kptlt. Hans Eckermann
Korvkpt. Hans Rösing (Knights Cross) Kptlt. Herbert Schultze (Knights Cross) Kptlt. Heinz v. Reiche (in deputize) Korvkpt. Richard Zapp (Knights Cross) |
U-boat Types
until 1939 | IIB |
after 1941 | IIB (only 1941),VIIB, VIIC and VIIC41 |
Assigned U-boats
U-8, U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16, U-18, U-20, U-22,
U-24, U-82, U-85, U-132, U-134, U-138, U-141, U-143,
U-146, U-147, U-205, U-206, U-212, U-231, U-241, U-242,
U-245, U-246, U-257, U-258, U-259, U-262, U-275, U-280,
U-289, U-332, U-333, U-334, U-341, U-343, U-344, U-352,
U-373, U-375, U-376, U-378, U-384, U-391, U-398, U-402,
U-423, U-431, U-432, U-433, U-444, U-451, U-452, U-458,
U-466, U-468, U-469, U-476, U-478, U-483, U-484, U-553,
U-567, U-568, U-569, U-570, U-571, U-572, U-573, U-596,
U-600, U-611, U-613, U-615, U-619, U-620, U-625, U-630,
U-635, U-645, U-652, U-657, U-661, U-671, U-677, U-701,
U-706, U-712, U-719, U-734, U-752, U-753, U-760, U-763,
U-952, U-953, U-957, U-960, U-970, U-971, U-975, U-978,
U-992, U-993, unknown, UD-3 and UD-4
109 U-boats assigned to this flotilla during its service.
U-Flotilla "Lohs"* was founded on 4 Oct, 1937 under the command of Kptlt. Hans Eckermann and existed until December 1939. The flotilla was re-founded as the 3rd Flotilla in March 1941 with her base in Kiel. In October 1941 the flotilla was moved to La Pallice and later to La Rochelle (France). In August 1944 the last U-boats left the base for Norway and the flotilla was disbanded in October 1944.
* Oblt. z. S. Johannes Lohs was during WWI Commander of UC-75 and UB-57. He sank on 15 patrols 76 ships with a total of 148,677 tons and the British sloop HMS Lavender (1,200 tons). He died on 14 Aug 1918, when his UB-57 was sunk by a mine.