| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Bain, James, Merchant Navy | 27 | Second Engineer Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Baker, Sam, RN | 25 | DEMS gunner | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Bowyer, A.J., RN | | DEMS gunner | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Bradley, Alexander, Merchant Navy | 37 | Chief Engineer Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Bunting, J., Merchant Navy | | Assistant Steward | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Cameron, Norman William, Merchant Navy | 17 | Crew member | Cape of Good Hope |
 |  | Campbell, Alexander, Merchant Navy | 57 | Master | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Doherty, Francis Richard, Merchant Navy | 20 | Crew member | Cape of Good Hope, Orcades |
 | | Galbraith, Malcom, Merchant Navy | 17 | Ordinary Seaman | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Godden, W.J., Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Hamilton, James, Merchant Navy | | Chief Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | James, Bleddyn, Merchant Navy | 19 | Apprentice | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Jenkins, Thomas Maldwyn, Merchant Navy | 35 | First Radio Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 |  | John, Gwilym Glyndwr, Merchant Navy | 19 | Second Radio Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | MacDonald, Donald, Merchant Navy | 24 | Third Engineer Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | MacLean, John, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Empire Dew, Cape of Good Hope |
 | | MacNeil, Neil, Merchant Navy | 23 | Second Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | MacNeil, Roddy, Merchant Navy | 20 | Able Seaman | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | McKinlay, Harry, Merchant Navy | 36 | Chief Steward | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Nicol, John McConnell, Merchant Navy | 26 | Second Engineer Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Sewell, K.F., RN | | DEMS gunner | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Smith, Robert, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Spierling, T., Merchant Navy | | Third Radio Officer | Cape of Good Hope |
 | | Vincent, W.H., Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Cape of Good Hope |
24 persons found.
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