Patrol info for U-667
Date lookup for 25 Sep 1943
Departure | Arrival / Fate | Duration | ||
18 Sep 1943 | St. Nazaire | 11 Oct 1943 | St. Nazaire | 24 days |
Commander | Officers * |
Kptlt. Heinrich-Andreas Schroeteler |
U-667's position on 25 Sep 1943
Ships hit by U-667 on this date
General Events during this patrol
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Attacks on U-667 during this patrol
25 Sep 1943
At 03.09 hours, the boat fought off an attack from a British Wellington (179 Sqn RAF/Q, pilot F/S R.W. Dix). Its depth charges hung up due to flak damage and further hits in the port engine and starboard wing forced the aircraft to return to base.
At 10.35 hours, another Wellington (Sqdn 179/R, pilot F/S D.J. McMahon) dropped six depth charges that fell close.
(Sources: Franks/Zimmerman)25 Sep 1943
Aircraft attack, aircraft shot down:
British Wellington Mk.XIV (179 Sqn RAF/F, pilot S/L G.H.M. Riddell)
22.18 hrs, SW of Cape St Vincent, Portugal: After being hit by flak while dropping depth charges, the Wellington was seen to fly away with the Leigh Light still switched on, and later an SOS message was heard. It did not return from patrol and was reported missing with its crew of six.
(Sources: Franks/Zimmerman)About this data
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* These are officers that later became commanders themselves.