U-boat Emblems

U-boats with Emblems

Emblem entry for U-93

Devil catching Churchill in a Net

Used o U-57 under Kptlt. Claus Korth. Churchill is sitting in a ship which the devil is about to scoop up with a child's fishing net.

The emblem on U-93, also under Kptlt. Korth, is almost identical except that there are two people in the ship.

Keywords: devil, net, Churchill

2 U-boats displayed this emblem
U-57 and U-93.

Click on the boat's number to see if there were other emblems.


Sun above Sea

Below the sun is written "Hallo, wie gehts?" (Hello, how are you?).

Keywords: sun, sea

1 U-boat displayed this emblem

We have 2 emblems listed for this U-boat in our files. Check out the detailed profile page on this boat.

U-boat Emblems