Wilhelm Spahr
Successes 1 ship sunk, total tonnage 7,244 GRT |
Born | 4 Apr 1904 | | Esingen, Schleswig |
Died | 6 Oct 1978 | (74) | |

1 Jan 1940 | | Leutnant zur See | 1 Jan 1941 | | Oberleutnant zur See | 1 Jan 1943 | | Kapitänleutnant |
U-boat Commands
U-boat | From | To | |
U-178 | 25 Nov 1943 | 25 Aug 1944 | 1 patrol (181 days) |
Though commonly listed as being part of Crew 21, this is incorrect. While perhaps serving in the Reichsmarine/Kriegsmarine at some point as an enlisted sailor, Spahr does not become an officer until the late 1930s. For example, he is not listed in the 1938
Patrol info for Wilhelm Spahr
| U-boat | Departure |
Arrival | | | |
1. |
U-178 |
27 Nov 1943 | Penang |
25 May 1944 | Bordeaux |
Patrol 1, | 181 days | |
Ships hit by Wilhelm Spahr
Date |
U-boat |
| Name of ship |
Tons |
Nat. |
Convoy |
27 Dec 1943 | U-178 | | José Navarro | 7,244 |  | am | |
| 7,244 | |
1 ship sunk (7,244 tons). Legend
We have a picture of this vessel. |
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