| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Barber, Edmund Thomas George, Merchant Navy | 27 | Senior Fourth Engineer Officer | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Bell, Gordon, Merchant Navy | 46 | Senior Second Engineer Officer | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Clarke, Walter, Merchant Navy | 18 | Mess Room Boy | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Cluskey, Wilford, Merchant Navy | 27 | Fifth Engineer Officer | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Eriksson, Martti Leurinin Kainen, Merchant Navy | 39 | Second Engineer Officer | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Farrell, John, Merchant Navy | 27 | Steward | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Gibson, John William Albert, Merchant Navy | | Master | Scottish Maiden |
 | | Hemmings, W.E., Merchant Navy | | Cook | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Lenden, William Edward, Merchant Navy | 18 | Mess Room Boy | Scottish Maiden + |
 |  | Lewis, Leonard Arthur, Merchant Navy | | Officer | Scottish Minstrel, Scottish Maiden, Scottish Standard |
 | | Mackenzie, James, Merchant Navy | 33 | Fifth Engineer Officer | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Maclachlan, Alexander Douglas, Merchant Navy | 26 | Fourth Engineer Officer | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | McKinnon, Lloyd George, RCNVR | 24 | Ordinary Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Nash, Alexander Bryant, Merchant Navy | 45 | Crew member | Scottish Maiden |
 | | Parnell, John Desmond, Merchant Navy | 46 | Electrician | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Ross, Ernest William, Merchant Navy | 25 | Senior Third Engineer Officer | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Sheridan, James Patrick, Merchant Navy | 28 | Fireman | Scottish Maiden + |
 | | Thompson, George Edward, Merchant Navy | 46 | Fireman | Scottish Maiden + |
18 persons found.
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