| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Balderson, John Alfred, RN | 38 | Sick Berth Attendant | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Baptie, John Laing, RN | 33 | Ordnance Mechanic 4th Class | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Bissett, William Lapping, RN | | Ordinary Signalman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Blazier, Frank Eric, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Bloomer, Stewart Allan, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Blower, Clifford Thomas Arthur, RNVR | 32 | Lieutenant | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Browne, John Peter, RN | 23 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Bulmer, James Henry, RN | 24 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Cartwright, Harry Alastair, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 |  | Cavill, Ronald, RN | 18 | Crew member | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Clark, , RN | | Sub-Lieutenant | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Corke, Ronald Edwin, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Coultas, , RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Cremins, Edward Peter, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Dawson, Stanley Maurice, RN | 23 | Leading Signalman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Doig, Frederick Harold, RN | | Signalman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Eden-Smith, Waller, RNVR | 38 | Sub-Lieutenant | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Gilford, , RN | | Sub-Lieutenant | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Greenhalgh, Maurice, RN | 19 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Greenwood, Thomas Philip, RN | 18 | Ordinary Coder | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Hammer, Harry, RN | 27 | Leading Steward | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Hancocks, Eric Thomas, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Harrold, Dennis Vernon, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Hart, Herbert, RN | | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Hawkesworth, Geoffrey Frank, RNVR | 33 | Lieutenant | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Howell, Robert Alwyn, RNVR | 39 | Lieutenant Commander | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Hurst, Philip Finbar, RN | 31 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Isted, Robert Climpson, RN | 24 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Jones, Thomas, RN | 30 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Keatinge, Roland Laurence Frederick, RNR | 33 | Leading Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Lawson, George Albert, RNPS | 28 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Leicester, Alfred, RN | | Steward | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Levi, Joseph Benjamin, RN | 20 | Coder | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Lindsay, Clifford, RN | 19 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Lisney, Ronald William George, RNPS | 21 | Stoker | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Macloghlin, Frank Gordon, RN | | Leading Stores Assistant | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Maher, Ernest, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Marsh, Donald Arthur, RN | 18 | Telegraphist | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Moon, Harry William George, RN | 28 | Leading Stoker | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Moore, , RNVR | | Sub-Lieutenant | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | O'Connell, Vincent, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | O'Connor, William, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Pleasance, Stuart Thomas James, RN | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Price, Francis William, RN | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Prince, Robert Stephen Rennie, RN | | Leading Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Procter, Arthur Ernest, RN | 19 | Leading Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Proudley, Kenneth, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Rigby, Joseph, RN | 26 | Telegraphist | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Roberts, George Henry, RN | 19 | Steward | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Rodgers, Ben, RNPS | 27 | Leading Stoker | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Roy, William Bruce, RN | 19 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Rudling, Stanley Fredrick, RN | 37 | Petty Officer | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Scott, Thomas Henry, RN | 18 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Shakespeare, , RN | | Leading Stoker | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Shaw, Ernest Edward, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Shore, John Fenton, RN | 21 | Leading Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Simpson, Alexander Robb, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Smith, John Patrick, RNVR | | Signalman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Stuart, , RN | | Petty Officer | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Swatton, Peter Cecil, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Thorp, Leslie, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Wakefield, Charles Thomas, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Walker, , RN | | Chief Engine Room Artificer | HMS Vervain (K 190) |
 | | Wells, David, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Whalen, Wallace, RN | 25 | Leading Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Wharton, Alan, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Whitfield, Thomas Harold, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Whittet, William, RN | 32 | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Withers, William Arthur, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
 | | Worton, James Kenneth, RN | 19 | Telegraphist | HMS Vervain (K 190) + |
70 persons found.
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