| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Abraham, John, RN | 23 | Leading Sick Berth Attendant | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Amos, Reginald, RN | 21 | Leading Steward | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Armsby, Leonard, RN | 28 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Bacon, Arthur Reginald, RN | 40 | Telegraphist | HMS Barham (04), HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Barker, Robert, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Barling, Herbert Victor, NAAFI | 44 | Canteen Manager | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Bishop, William John, RN | 29 | Telegraphist | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Blakeburn, Frederick, RN | 23 | Telegraphist | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Bond, Richard Stephen, RN | | Crew member | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Brooke, Ronald, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 |  | Brown, Bertie, RM | 21 | Marine | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Brown, Harry Alfred, RN | 21 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Brownsell, John, RN | 24 | Petty Officer | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Burton, John Alexander, RN | 25 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Canning, Sidney Donald, RNZN | 23 | Engine Room Artificer 4th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Chittenden, Edward Anthony George, RN | 17 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Coombs, Edward Joseph Ackerman, RN | 39 | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Cooper, Hector, RN | 24 | Yeoman of Signals | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Crothers, Norman, RN | 23 | Engine Room Artificer 4th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Cullen, Walter, RN | 26 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Curchin, Reginald Thomas, RN | 26 | Leading Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Davey, Raymond John, RN | 29 | Telegraphist | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Davies, Reginald Thomas, RN | | Leading Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Dean, William Benjamin, RN | | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Dunk, Harry Frank, RN | 41 | Chief Engine Room Artificer | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Eastman, Leslie James, RN | 34 | Painter 4th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Evans, Albert Charles, RN | 22 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Felgate, Ralph Frederick, RN | 23 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Fleming, James Patrick Francis, RN | 17 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Frame, Adam, RN | 24 | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Fuchter, Gerard Anthony John, RN | 28 | Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Gostling, Robert Ernest, RN | 23 | Shipwright 4th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Grantham, Guy, RN | 42 | Captain | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Green, Arnold Stanley, RN | 27 | Engine Room Artificer 4th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Gurr, Alfred Reginald, RFR | 38 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Guy, Leslie George Albert, RN | 22 | Petty Officer Writer | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Hall, Cyril Henry Kenneth, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Harrison, James Mcroberts, RN | 25 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Henshaw, Charles George, RN | 34 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Jewell, David Harold, RN | 22 | Lieutenant (E) | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Kenmuir, Thomas Leighton, RN | 21 | Ordnance Artificer 4th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Kirby, Royston Cecil, RN | | Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Lambkin, Fred Alfred, RN | 41 | Leading Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Leslie, Alfred Sangster, RM | 21 | Marine | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Liles, Charles Richard, RN | 26 | Petty Officer | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | MacDonald, James Mackay, RN | 21 | Telegraphist | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Malonie, Hugh James Mercer, RN | | Boy 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Marner, Alfred Henry Edward, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | McGreevy, Joseph William, RN | 35 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Meldrum, Allan Shaw, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Mitchell, George, RN | 23 | Leading Telegraphist | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Morpeth, Hector Edward, RN | 31 | Electrical Artificer 4th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Norris, Cyril, RN | 20 | Engine Room Artificer 5th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Packer, Donald George, RN | | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Page, Desmond Francis, RM | 19 | Musician | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 |  | Palmer, William Ernest, RN | 31 | Chief Electrical Artificer | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Pearce, Ernest, RN | 38 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Plumstead, Charles Ernest, RN | | Joiner 4th Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Rand, Charles Wilson, RN | 30 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Read, Stanley Albert, RN | 17 | Signalman | HMS Barham (04), HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Robins, Sidney Arthur, RN | | Petty Officer Steward | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Rosenthal, Victor Raymond, RN | 27 | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Rowlands, Charles Eric, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Russell, Arthur, RN | 42 | Stoker 3rd Class | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Sadlier, Brian Anthony, RN | 35 | Petty Officer Cook (O) | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Seale, Claude Roderick, RN | | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Sinfield, James, RN | 33 | Petty Officer Diver 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Skinner, Alfred Ranmore, RM | 39 | Sergeant | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Steppings, John Charles, RN | 30 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Stevens, George Leonard, RN | 38 | Chief Engine Room Artificer | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Stevenson, Alexander, RN | 17 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Storer, Kenneth, RN | 19 | Steward | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Street, William Burns, RN | | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Sweet, Archibald, RN | 20 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Taft, Herbert Charles, RN | 31 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Tarrant, Cyril William, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Tasker, Stephen Hardwick, RN | 21 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Taylor, Stephen Thomas, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Thomson, Andrew, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Vian, Philip Louis, RN | 47 | Rear-Admiral | HMS Naiad (93) |
 | | Waghorn, Alfred Charles, RN | | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Wailes, Herbert, RN | 26 | Able Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Webster, Thomas, RN | 27 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Wheeler, William Daniel Sheehan, RN | 22 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Wild, Geoffrey Onslow, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Willis, Arthur, RN | 33 | Petty Officer | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Wood, William, RM | 36 | Marine | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Woods, James Joseph, RN | | Lieutenant (E) | HMS Naiad (93) + |
 | | Woolford, William Thomas, RM | | Sergeant | HMS Naiad (93) + |
89 persons found.
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