WWI Officer Crews

Crew 4/05

The following men were from crew 4/05, click on any of the names for a full profile page on that commander.

 Kptlt. Hubert AustUC 45
  Kptlt. Walther Gustav Becker +UB 13, UB 19, UB 82
  Kptlt. Waldemar BenderU 76, U 43
  Kptlt. Max BräutigamUB 84, UB 73
Kptlt. Wilhelm CanarisU 38, UC 27, U 47, U 34, UB 128
  Kptlt. Walter CreutzfeldtUB 72
 Kptlt. Victor Dieckmann +UB 27, U 61
 Kptlt. Hermann von FischelU 65
Kptlt. Carl-Siegfried Ritter von GeorgU 57, U 101
Kptlt. Erich GerthUB 76, U 47, UC 53
  Oblt. Karl Groß +UB 4
  Kptlt. Alfred GötzeU 86
Kptlt. Kurt HartwigU 32, U 63
Kptlt. Ernst HashagenUB 21, U 62, U 62
  Kptlt. Leo HillebrandU 16, U 46, U 46
  Kptlt. Friedrich KleinU 21
 Kptlt. Günther KrechUB 85
  Oblt. Reinhold Lepsius +U 6, U 6
  Kptlt. Hermann Lorenz +U 56
  Kptlt. Oscar MaaßUB 95
  Oblt. Karl Mey +UC 2
  Kptlt. Hans NielandUB 12, UB 25, U 67
  Kptlt. Kurt Schapler +UB 30, UC 73, UB 71
  Walter Gottfried SchmidtUC 11, UC 8
  Kptlt. Wilhelm SchröderUC 51
 Kptlt. Hans SchultheßA, U 23
 Kptlt. Karlgeorg SchusterU 60
  Kptlt. Erwin Sebelin +UC 43
 Kptlt. Rudolf Seuffer +UC 50
  Kptlt. Heinrich Stenzler +UC 30
 Kptlt. Kurt TebbenjohannsUC 44
  Kptlt. Otto Heinrich TornowUC 39, UC 42
  Kptlt. Hans TrenkUB 86
Kptlt. Raimund WeisbachU 19, U 81
 Kptlt. Wilhelm WernerUB 9, UB 7, U 55
 Kptlt. Fritz Wernicke +UB 42, UB 66
  Kptlt. Kurt Willich +UC 24
37 men from Crew 4/05 located.

 We have a photo of the commander.
 We have personal info for the commander.
+ means the man died in the war (12 of these 37 men fell).

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WWI U-boat Commanders