Alfredo Morone
Born | 15 Feb 1909 | | Brescia |
Died | 1 Feb 1979 | (69) | Rome |

| Ranks
Decorations | | Croce di guerra al valore militare | 29 Jan 1941 | | Croce di guerra al valore militare |
Career information
MACALLÉ (T.V. C.O.): from 22.10.1939 to 15.06.1940 (sunk, Morone survived).
Commands listed for Alfredo Morone
Submarine |
Type |
Rank |
From |
To |
Macallé (MA) | Coastal / Sea going | T.V. | 22 Oct 1939 | 15 Jun 1940 |
Ships hit by Alfredo Morone
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Alfredo Morone
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
1. | Macallé (MA) | 10 Jun 1940 | 1600 | Massawa | 15 Jun 1940 | | Sunk | | Patrolled off Port Sudan. Ran aground at Bar Musa-Kebir (off Port Sudan) following problems with air conditioning system, her crew was overcome by Methylene Chloride fumes. They were rescued by the submarine Guglielmotti on 22nd June 1940, except one rating who had died on the island. The same day, a RAF reconnaissance aircraft sighted the submarine and a tug, with an armed crew, was sent to capture the crew which had been seen near the wreck. |
| | 15 Jun 1940 | | 19° 13'N, 38° 09'E (0) Bar Musa Kebir Islet. | During the day, the submarine crew had become seriously intoxicated by Methylene Chloride fumes from the air conditioning system. The submarine ran hard aground on Bar Musa Kebir Islet, in 19°13' N, 38°09' E (65 miles SE of Port Sudan).
Despite efforts to try to free her, the submarine sank in deep waters. One rating had died, the survivors went ashore and an officer and two ratings managed to sail in a small boat and after travelling a distance of 200 miles in five days, they reached the coast at Taclai.
On 22 June, a RAF reconnaissance aircraft sighted the submarine. A tug with an armed crew, was sent to capture the submarine's crew which had been seen near the wreck. The submarine Guglielmotti beat them to the punch and rescued the survivors before the British vessel arrived. |
1 entries. 1 total patrol entries (1 marked as war patrols) and 1 events.