Giuseppe Granero

| Ranks
Decorations | | Croce di guerra al valore militare | 9 Dec 1941 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare | 2 May 1945 | | Croce di guerra al valore militare | 11 Apr 1951 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare |
Career information
SERPENTE (T.V. First Officer): from 08.10.1937 to ?
SERPENTE (T.V. C.O.): from 02.02.1941 to 20.05.41.
Commands listed for Giuseppe Granero
Ships hit by Giuseppe Granero
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Giuseppe Granero
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
| Serpente (ex-Nautilus) (SE) | 14 Feb 1941 | 1330 | Augusta | 14 Feb 1941 | 1650 | Augusta | 24,6 | Trials. |
1. | Serpente (ex-Nautilus) (SE) | 26 Feb 1941 | 1910 | Augusta | 12 Mar 1941 | 0900 | Augusta | 1122 | Patrolled between 33°20'N and the coast of Cyrenaica, and between 21°40'E and 22°40'E. Uneventful, except for H.E. |
| Serpente (ex-Nautilus) (SE) | 29 Mar 1941 | 0925 | Augusta | 29 Mar 1941 | 1130 | Augusta | 13,4 | Exercises. |
| Serpente (ex-Nautilus) (SE) | 1 Apr 1941 | 0735 | Augusta | 1 Apr 1941 | 1105 | Augusta | 25,9 | Exercises, escorted by MS 516. |
| Serpente (ex-Nautilus) (SE) | 3 Apr 1941 | 0730 | Augusta | 3 Apr 1941 | 0900 | Augusta | 10,3 | Exercises. |
2. | Serpente (ex-Nautilus) (SE) | 9 Apr 1941 | 1935 | Augusta | 25 Apr 1941 | 0900 | Augusta | 1355 | Patrolled 50 miles southwest of Cape Krio, between 34°40'N and 35°20'N, and between 23°00'E and 24°00'E. |
| | 16 Apr 1941 | 2200 | (0) South of Crete. | At 2200 hours, Serpente was informed of an enemy convoy proceeding to the southwest of Crete. The submarine altered course to intercept it near Cape Kutri. However, her search was believed to have failed because she cruised too far from the coast and her defective hydrophones did not help remedy the situation. |
| | 18 Apr 1941 | 2200 | (0) South of Crete. | At 2200 hours, Serpente was informed of a convoy proceeding south of Crete steering 300° to pass the southwest of the island. The submarine altered course to intercept it, but her hydrophones were not reliable and, although H.E. were heard, nothing was sighted. |
| Serpente (ex-Nautilus) (SE) | 28 Apr 1941 | 0835 | Augusta | 29 Apr 1941 | 1430 | Naples | 290 | Passage Augusta-Naples. |
8 entries. 7 total patrol entries (2 marked as war patrols) and 2 events.