Alvise Fon

| Ranks | | S.T.V. | Sottotenente di Vascello |
Decorations |
Career information
C.B.9 (S.T.V. C.O.): from 18.04.1944 to 16.06.1945.
Commands listed for Alvise Fon
Submarine |
Type |
Rank |
From |
To |
CB 9 () | | S.T.V. | 18 Apr 1944 | 16 Jun 1945 |
Ships hit by Alvise Fon
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Alvise Fon
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
| CB 9 () | 29 Apr 1944 | 0800 | Taranto | 29 Apr 1944 | 1545 | Taranto | 24 | Exercises with the steamer Claretta. |
| CB 9 () | 10 May 1944 | 0825 | Taranto | 10 May 1944 | 1605 | Taranto | 24 | Exercises with the steamer Claretta. |
| CB 9 () | 2 Jun 1944 | 0815 | Taranto | 2 Jun 1944 | 1600 | Taranto | 30 | Exercises with CB 10. |
| CB 9 () | 8 Jun 1944 | 0800 | Taranto | 8 Jun 1944 | 1530 | Taranto | 26,5 | Exercises with CB 11. |
| CB 9 () | 30 Jun 1944 | 0820 | Taranto | 30 Jun 1944 | 1605 | Taranto | 30,5 | Exercises with CB 11. |
| CB 9 () | 7 Jul 1944 | 0800 | Taranto | 7 Jul 1944 | 1550 | Taranto | 33 | Exercises with CB 11. |
| CB 9 () | 4 Aug 1944 | 0616 | Taranto | 6 Aug 1944 | 1018 | Malta | 335 | Passage Taranto-Malta, escorted by the torpedo boat Abba. |
| CB 9 () | 14 Aug 1944 | 0900 | Malta | 14 Aug 1944 | 1235 | Malta | 13 | Exercises with HDML 1221 and HDML 1284. |
| CB 9 () | 16 Aug 1944 | 0830 | Malta | 16 Aug 1944 | 1210 | Malta | 13 | Exercises with HDML 1050 and HDML 1221. |
| CB 9 () | 17 Aug 1944 | 1415 | Malta | 17 Aug 1944 | 1630 | Malta | 5,5 | Exercises with HDML 1221. |
| CB 9 () | 19 Aug 1944 | 0830 | Malta | 19 Aug 1944 | 1245 | Malta | 12,5 | Exercises with HDML 1221 and HDML 1250. |
| CB 9 () | 22 Aug 1944 | 0830 | Malta | 22 Aug 1944 | 1245 | Malta | 9 | Exercises. |
| CB 9 () | 26 Aug 1944 | 0830 | Malta | 26 Aug 1944 | 1130 | Malta | 15 | Exercises with HDML 1234 and HDML 1290. |
| CB 9 () | 25 Sep 1944 | 0900 | Malta | 25 Sep 1944 | 1115 | Malta | 9,5 | Trials. |
| CB 9 () | 19 Oct 1944 | 0945 | Malta | 19 Oct 1944 | 1157 | Malta | 8 | Exercises with HDML 1211. |
| CB 9 () | 5 Nov 1944 | 0814 | Malta | 5 Nov 1944 | 1652 | Malta | 25 | Exercises with the submarine HMS Virtue (who failed to show up) and HDML 1221. |
| CB 9 () | 20 Nov 1944 | 0755 | Malta | 20 Nov 1944 | 1635 | Malta | 30,5 | Exercises with HDML 1211. |
| CB 9 () | 13 Jan 1945 | 0820 | Malta | 13 Jan 1945 | 1205 | Malta | 12 | Exercises with ML 308. |
| CB 9 () | 13 Apr 1945 | 1130 | Malta | 14 Apr 1945 | 0940 | Augusta | 105 | Passage Malta-Augusta with CB 10, the torpedo boat Animoso and steamer Perseo (F.142). |
| CB 9 () | 19 Apr 1945 | 0600 | Augusta | 20 Apr 1945 | 1859 | Crotone | 180 | Passage Augusta-Crotone with CB 10, the torpedo boat Animoso and steamer Perseo (F.142). |
| CB 9 () | 24 Apr 1945 | 1500 | Crotone | 25 Apr 1945 | 0945 | Taranto | 92 | Passage Crotone-Taranto with CB 10, the torpedo boat Animoso and steamer Perseo (F.142). |
21 entries. 21 total patrol entries (0 marked as war patrols) and 0 events.