| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Admiraal, Heinrich Peter, Merchant Navy | 17 | Steward | Texelstroom + |
 | | Bal, Philippus, Merchant Navy | 30 | Able Seaman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Bas, Albert Cornelis, Merchant Navy | 36 | Third Engineer Officer | Texelstroom + |
 | | Belmont, Douglas Bruce, Merchant Navy | 26 | Trimmer | Texelstroom + |
 | | Betlem, Dirk, Merchant Navy | 51 | Cook | Texelstroom + |
 | | Bezaan, Willem Frederik, Merchant Navy | 42 | Steward | Texelstroom + |
 | | Cordes, Hendrik Willem, Merchant Navy | 42 | Greaser and Trimmer | Texelstroom + |
 | | Freitas, Joao de, Merchant Navy | 35 | Fireman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Hardeman, Johannes Nicolaas, Merchant Navy | 28 | Second Officer | Texelstroom + |
 | | Hoek, Jan van der, Merchant Navy | 49 | Able Seaman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Hoogmoed, Willem, Merchant Navy | 47 | Donkeyman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Ingebrigtsen, Malvin Olaf, Merchant Navy | 33 | Able Seaman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Jonge, Johannes Jacobus de, Merchant Navy | 16 | Able Seaman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Kramer, Friedrich August Wilhelm, Merchant Navy | 23 | Trimmer | Texelstroom + |
 | | Lefering, Anton Jacobus Egbertus, Merchant Navy | 45 | Master | Texelstroom + |
 | | Lentze, Frits Adolf, Merchant Navy | 21 | Radio Operator | Texelstroom + |
 | | Lubben, Lambertus Gerardus van der, Merchant Navy | 30 | Fireman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Rij, Abraham van, Merchant Navy | 37 | Second Engineer Officer | Texelstroom + |
 | | Stijger, Hendrik, Merchant Navy | 59 | Chief Engineer Officer | Texelstroom + |
 | | Termijn, Cornelis, Merchant Navy | 43 | Greaser | Texelstroom + |
 | | Troost, Klaas, Merchant Navy | 52 | Chief Officer | Texelstroom + |
 | | Tsapepas, Demetrios G., Merchant Navy | 30 | Able Seaman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Vega, Pedro, Merchant Navy | 49 | Fireman | Texelstroom + |
 | | Volmer, Willem Hendrik Adolph, Merchant Navy | 57 | Boatswain (Bosun) | Texelstroom + |
 | | Zijlstra, Johannes, Merchant Navy | 36 | Able Seaman | Texelstroom + |
25 persons found.
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