| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Anderson, John, Merchant Navy | 48 | Chief Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Blance, Peter, Merchant Navy | 19 | Fifth Engineer Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Brown, James, Merchant Navy | 34 | Master | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Brown, James, Merchant Navy | 20 | Third Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Butchart, John, Merchant Navy | 20 | Second Radio Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Cairns, William Ingram, Merchant Navy | 37 | Steward | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Carr, John Henry, Merchant Navy | 44 | Able Seaman | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Chapman, James, Merchant Navy | 56 | Able Seaman | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Cosgrow, Barney Albert, Merchant Navy | 27 | Third Engineer Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Couldrey, Robert William, RNR | 31 | Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Davis, Thomas, Merchant Navy | 31 | Able Seaman | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Gibson, John Spark, Merchant Navy | 20 | Cook | Empire Statesman + |
 |  | Gray, Gifford Thomas, Merchant Navy | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | Empire Statesman + |
 |  | Gray, Peter, Merchant Navy | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Harrison, Cyril, Merchant Navy | 33 | Second Engineer Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Henderson, Magnus Leith, Merchant Navy | 34 | Sailor | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Hunnam, William John Flockhart, Merchant Navy | 23 | Ordinary Seaman | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Hunter, Alfred Tulloch, Merchant Navy | 43 | Carpenter | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Madden, John Wilson, Merchant Navy | 29 | Second Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 |  | Mann, Peter John Gilbert, Merchant Navy | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Morgan, Mark John, Merchant Navy | 23 | Fourth Engineer Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Nicol, Norman William Gordon, Merchant Navy | 27 | Greaser | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Nicol, Walter King, Merchant Navy | 36 | Greaser | Empire Statesman + |
 | | O'Donnell, Samuel, Merchant Navy | 17 | Galley Boy | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Orr, Peter, Merchant Navy | 47 | Donkeyman | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Price, Wilfred, Merchant Navy | 21 | Sailor | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Roberts, Hugh, Merchant Navy | 52 | Chief Steward | Empire Statesman + |
 |  | Robertson, Peter James, Merchant Navy | 20 | Able Seaman | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Russell, William Fraser, Merchant Navy | 39 | Boatswain (Bosun) | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Troup, James, Merchant Navy | 16 | Cabin Boy | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Turnill, Willoughby Robert, Merchant Navy | 44 | First Radio Officer | Empire Statesman + |
 | | Whitehead, Frederick, Merchant Navy | 55 | Chief Engineer Officer | Empire Statesman + |
32 persons found.
People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
If you wish to add a crewmember to the listing we would need most of this information: ship name, nationality, name, dob, place of birth, service (merchant marine, ...), rank or job on board. We have place for a photo as well if provided. You can e-mail us the information here.