| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Adam, James, Merchant Navy | 25 | First Electrician | Pacific President + |
 | | Anderson, William, Merchant Navy | 40 | Greaser | Pacific President + |
 | | Berry, Kenneth William, Merchant Navy | 17 | Cadet | Pacific President + |
 | | Black, Henry, Merchant Navy | 35 | Donkeyman | Pacific President + |
 | | Blair, John, Merchant Navy | 27 | Sailor | Pacific President + |
 | | Blanch, James Harland, Merchant Navy | 32 | Boatswain (Bosun) | Pacific President + |
 | | Crichton, James, Merchant Navy | 31 | Junior Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Daverio, Victor Ernest, Merchant Navy | 45 | Mess Room Steward | Pacific President + |
 | | Davies, Stanley, Merchant Navy | 20 | Assistant Steward | Pacific President + |
 | | Doherty, William, Merchant Navy | 34 | Second Cook and Baker | Pacific President + |
 | | Eaglestone, Eric William Outram, Merchant Navy | 40 | Second Steward | Pacific President + |
 | | Fagg, Arthur, Merchant Navy | 23 | Sailor | Pacific President + |
 | | Filby, Reginald William, Merchant Navy | 37 | Senior Second Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Filteau, Louis Maurice, Merchant Navy | 21 | Sailor | Pacific President + |
 | | Forsgard, James, Merchant Navy | 27 | Able Seaman | Pacific President + |
 | | Fraser, Peter John William, Merchant Navy | 23 | Able Seaman | Pacific President + |
 | | Goodall, Alfred Robert, Merchant Navy | 39 | Chief Steward | Pacific President + |
 | | Goudie, James, Merchant Navy | 24 | Able Seaman | Pacific President + |
 | | Henriksen, Karl Otto, Merchant Navy | 51 | Sailor | Pacific President + |
 | | Hildred, Raymond Gurton, Merchant Navy | 25 | First Radio Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Hindmarch, Thomas Albert, Merchant Navy | 21 | Senior Fourth Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Hopper, George Richard Campbell, Merchant Navy | 39 | Second Electrician | Pacific President + |
 | | Jacquest, Walter John, Merchant Navy | 21 | Third Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Jenkins, William, Merchant Navy | 46 | Chief Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Jones, Stanley Thomas, Merchant Navy | 33 | Assistant Steward | Pacific President + |
 | | Kerr, George, Merchant Navy | 17 | Deck Boy | Pacific President + |
 | | Lindley, Herbert Marshall, Merchant Navy | 17 | Cadet | Pacific President + |
 | | Lindsay, Robert, Merchant Navy | 15 | Steward’s Boy | Pacific President + |
 | | Mackay, Hector, Merchant Navy | 40 | Greaser | Pacific President + |
 | | McNeil, Christopher George, Merchant Navy | 23 | Junior Third Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Mearns, Joseph James Henry, Merchant Navy | 51 | Dayman | Pacific President + |
 | | Megson, George, Merchant Navy | 50 | First Refrigerator Engineer | Pacific President + |
 | | Morley, Samuel, Merchant Navy | 37 | Junior Fourth Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Moynagh, Terence, Merchant Navy | 28 | Sailor | Pacific President + |
 | | Muschamp, John Dover, Merchant Navy | 47 | Junior Fourth Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Northey, Harold George, Merchant Navy | 34 | First Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Olavesen, Georg Henry, Merchant Navy | 40 | Carpenter | Pacific President + |
 | | Parkin, Harold Leslie Vernon, RM | 33 | Marine (DEMS gunner) | Pacific President + |
 | | Paton, William, Merchant Navy | 31 | Dayman | Pacific President + |
 | | Ross, Alexander, Merchant Navy | 44 | Assistant Cook | Pacific President + |
 | | Rylands, Samuel Horace, Merchant Navy | 48 | Second Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Schmuki, Joseph Albert, Merchant Navy | 55 | Chief Cook | Pacific President + |
 | | Sharpe, Dick, Merchant Navy | 18 | Deck Boy | Pacific President + |
 | | Sinclair, Laurence, Merchant Navy | 41 | Able Seaman | Pacific President + |
 | | Smith, Claude Harry, Merchant Navy | 29 | Second Radio Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Snedden, Alexander Martin, Merchant Navy | 16 | Steward’s Boy | Pacific President + |
 | | Spriggs, Jack Vernon, Merchant Navy | 18 | Third Radio Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Stuart, James Smith, Merchant Navy | 44 | Master | Pacific President + |
 | | Trelford, Lawrence J., Merchant Navy | 30 | Junior Second Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Vert, Richard Fowler, Merchant Navy | 22 | Senior Third Engineer Officer | Pacific President + |
 | | Vessie, Thomas, Merchant Navy | 42 | Greaser | Pacific President + |
 | | Wisbey, Alfred Charles, Merchant Navy | 38 | Chief Officer | Pacific President + |
52 persons found.
People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
If you wish to add a crewmember to the listing we would need most of this information: ship name, nationality, name, dob, place of birth, service (merchant marine, ...), rank or job on board. We have place for a photo as well if provided. You can e-mail us the information here.