HMS Redmill (K 554) after being torpedoed, assisted by
HMS Rupert (K 561). Photo courtesy of K.R. MacPherson
| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Andrews, John Douglas, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Appleyard, Charles, RN | 25 | Able Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) |
 | | Avenell, Albert, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Barrett, Kenneth Vernon, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Bedding, Harry Raymond, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Blanks, James Edward, RN | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Burnell, Richard Henry Charles, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Child, William Robert, RN | 20 | Gunlayer | HMS Redmill (K 554) |
 | | Connor, Frederick, RN | 19 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Denne, John Richard Alured, RN | | Lieutenant | HMS Redmill (K 554) |
 | | Etherington, Basil Louis, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Fairley, George, RN | 21 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Fraser, Tom, RN | 24 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | French, Frederick William Joseph, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Gillibrand, Alfred, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Goodlad, Reginald, RN | 33 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Heggs, Clifford, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Higgins, Joseph Frederick, RN | 24 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Lemon, Alfred, RN | 32 | Leading Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Maitland, George William, RN | 32 | Leading Stoker | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | McCorkell, Archibald, RN | 21 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | McDougall, George Stoker , RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) |
 | | McMillan, John, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Murray, Thomas, RN | 35 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Oake, Stanley, RN | 37 | Chief Petty Officer | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Patterson, Crawford, RN | 28 | Able Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Rowe, Robert, RN | 47 | Able Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Sims, William John Cleverly, RN | 21 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Sinclair, George, RN | 36 | Able Seaman | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Sparks, John Sutherland, RN | 17 | Crew member | HMS Redmill (K 554) |
 | | Stenning, George Andrew, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Trimby, William, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Wells, Douglas, RN | 25 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Redmill (K 554) + |
 | | Wiggins, Lenard, RN | | Signalman | HMS Redmill (K 554) |
34 persons found.
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