| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Adam, George Frank, RCN | 33 | Mechanician 1st Class | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Andrews, Joseph Charles, RCNVR | 27 | Leading Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Ballantyne, Roswell Alexander, RCNVR | 19 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Barnett, Charles Austin, RCNVR | 24 | Able Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Bell-Irving, Richard Morris, RCNVR | 28 | Lieutenant (E) | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Berryman, Jack Gardner, RCNVR | 21 | Leading Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Besso, Clifford, RCN | | Leading Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | Bishop, Robert John, RCNVR | 20 | Signalman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Boddier, , RN | | Lieutenant | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | Bodeux, Joseph Marcel, RCNVR | 27 | Signalman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Bouchard, Joseph Eugene Paul Emile, RCNVR | 21 | Able Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Bourbonnais, Joseph Jean Guy, RCNVR | 20 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Brumpton, Asa Gordon, RCNVR | 21 | Engine Room Artificer | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | Bury, James Edward, RCNVR | 24 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Chalmers, Robert James, RCNVR | 20 | Telegraphist | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Clarke, James Peter, RCNVR | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Coleman, Irving, RNVR | | Passenger (Sub-Lieutenant) | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Cox, John Daniel, RCNVR | 33 | Engine Room Artificer | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Crosson, Abraham Bullard, RCNVR | 31 | Leading Coder | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Davis, E.M., FAA | | Passenger (Lieutenant (A)) | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | Densmore, Wilfred Harding, RCNVR | 19 | Cook | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Dicks, George Ronald, RCNVR | 22 | Petty Officer | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Donnett, James, RCN | 23 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | Downey, Dale George, RCNVR | 21 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Eddy, Donald Cecil, RCNVR | 21 | Sick Berth Attendant | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Gair, Alexander Mowat, RCNVR | 25 | Leading Signalman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Garvey, William, RCNVR | 22 | Signalman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Geddes, Frederick Elmo, RCN | 27 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Gibson, Alvon Robert, RCNVR | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Gohier, Joseph Victor Maurice, RCNVR | 20 | Able Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Gray, Gordon Tilford, RCNVR | 25 | Leading Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Hamilton, William Ainslie, RCNVR | 22 | Engine Room Artificer | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Holland, Thomas Vincent, RCNVR | 26 | Lieutenant | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Horton, Albert Edwin, RN | | Passenger (Able Seaman) | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Hunter, William Alexander, RCNVR | 20 | Able Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Konsmo, Ole Burnett, RCNVR | 35 | Cook | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Lapp, John Raymond, RCNVR | 28 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Mallette, Joseph Adelard Maurice, RCNVR | 23 | Steward | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Matthews, Paul Joseph, RCNVR | 21 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | McCluskey, Henry, RCNVR | 21 | Able Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | McCormack, , RN | | Sub-Lieutenant | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | McCutcheon, William Albert, RCNVR | 24 | Leading Writer | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | McGregor, Gordon, RCN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | McGuigan, John Donald, RCNVR | 37 | Leading Steward | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Mitchell, George Thomas, RCNVR | 28 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Mountain, William Tudor, RCNVR | 20 | Able Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Mutcheson, John Edwin, RCNVR | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Neufeld, Arthur, RCNVR | 20 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Paul, Kenneth Boyd, RCNVR | 32 | Leading Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Payne, Harry Alvin, RCNVR | 22 | Leading Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Renaud, Maurice Joseph, RCNVR | 23 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Robertson, Robert Gordon, RCNVR | 25 | Telegraphist | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Rumpel, Oscar Hedley, RCNVR | 33 | Lieutenant | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Russell, Benjamin Thomas Robert, RCNR | | Lieutenant | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | Schmidt, Alfred Hugo, RCNVR | 35 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Shinewald, Sydney James, RCNVR | 20 | Telegraphist | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Slade, Richard Stanley, RCNVR | 23 | Lieutenant | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Smardon, Walter Edwin, RCNVR | 24 | Leading Telegraphist | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Sorrell, William Wallace, RCNVR | 19 | Able Seaman | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 | | Stevenson, Robert Gordon, RCNVR | 20 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
 |  | Walker, Dennis Gerald, RCNVR | 31 | Stoker | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) |
 | | Williams, Roland George, RCNVR | 24 | Leading Stores Assistant | HMCS Guysborough (J 52) + |
62 persons found.
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