| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Árnason, Guðmundur, Merchant Navy | 24 | Chief Steward | Godafoss |
 | | Briem, Sigrún, Civilian | 33 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Bæringsson, Hermann, Merchant Navy | 35 | Second Engineer Officer | Godafoss |
 | | Dagfinnsson, Stefán, Merchant Navy | 49 | Second Officer | Godafoss |
 | | Downey, Ellen Ingibjörg Wagle, Civilian | 23 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Downey, William, Civilian | 3 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Eðvaldsson, Eyjólfur, Merchant Navy | 48 | First Radio Officer | Godafoss + |
 | | Einarsson, Jakob Sigurjón, Merchant Navy | 36 | Waiter | Godafoss + |
 | | Finnbogason, Guðmundur, Merchant Navy | 21 | Cook | Godafoss |
 | | Friðgeirsdóttir, Sigrún, Civilian | | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Friðgeirsson, Óli, Civilian | 7 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Friðgeirsson, Sverrir, Civilian | 2 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Gíslason, Sigurður, Merchant Navy | 55 | Master | Godafoss |
 | | Guðbjörnsson, Jóhann, Merchant Navy | 19 | Able Seaman | Godafoss |
 | | Guðjónsson, Frímann, Merchant Navy | 35 | Cook | Godafoss |
 | | Guðlaugsson, Guðmundur, Merchant Navy | 55 | Fourth Engineer Officer | Godafoss + |
 | | Guðmundsson, Sigurður, Merchant Navy | 18 | Able Seaman | Godafoss |
 | | Guðnason, Aðalsteinn, Merchant Navy | 22 | Second Radio Officer | Godafoss |
 | | Hafliðason, Pétur Már, Merchant Navy | 17 | Fireman | Godafoss + |
 | | Hallsson, Randver, Merchant Navy | 47 | Able Seaman | Godafoss + |
 | | Haraldsson, Sigurður, Merchant Navy | 27 | Third Engineer Officer | Godafoss + |
 | | Ingimundarson, Sigurður Einar, Merchant Navy | 47 | Able Seaman | Godafoss + |
 | | Ingjaldsdóttir, Lára Elín, Merchant Navy | 42 | Stewardess | Godafoss + |
 | | Ingvarsson, Ingólfur, Merchant Navy | 19 | Able Seaman | Godafoss |
 | | James, Benjamin Lewis, RN | 17 | Signalman | Godafoss + |
 | | Jóhannsson, Árni, Merchant Navy | 18 | Fireman | Godafoss |
 | | Jóhannsson, Gunnar, Merchant Navy | 28 | Able Seaman | Godafoss |
 | | Jónsson, Arnar Örlygur, Merchant Navy | 26 | Quartermaster | Godafoss |
 | | Jónsson, Baldur, Merchant Navy | 21 | Able Seaman | Godafoss |
 | | Jónsson, Hafliði, Merchant Navy | 60 | Chief Engineer Officer | Godafoss + |
 | | Kristjánsson, Agnar, Civilian | 19 | Passenger | Godafoss |
 | | Kristjánsson, Jón K. G., Merchant Navy | 51 | Fireman | Godafoss + |
 | | Kærnested, Ragnar, Merchant Navy | 27 | Officer | Godafoss + |
 | | Loftsson, Steinþór, Civilian | 21 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Magnússon, Eymundur, Merchant Navy | | Chief Officer | Godafoss |
 | | Oddsson, Sigurður Jóhann, Merchant Navy | 41 | Cook | Godafoss + |
 | | Ólafsson, Þórir, Merchant Navy | 39 | Third Officer | Godafoss + |
 | | Ólafsson Olsen, Oddur Stefán, Merchant Navy | 31 | Fireman | Godafoss |
 | | Ólason, Friðgeir, Civilian | 32 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Pálsdóttir Þormar, Sigríður, Civilian | 20 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Sigurðardóttir, Áslaug, Civilian | 25 | Passenger | Godafoss |
 | | Sigurðsson, Halldór, Civilian | 21 | Passenger | Godafoss + |
 | | Skúlason, Stefán, Merchant Navy | 14 | Mess Room Boy | Godafoss |
 | | Sveinsson, Sigurður, Merchant Navy | 28 | Able Seaman | Godafoss + |
44 persons found.
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