| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Aachte, Henry Gerhard, USNR | | Ensign | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Aks, Morton Lloyd, USNR | | Ensign | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Allen, James Maxwell, USN | | Chief Water Tender | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Anderson, Paul Leroy, USN | | Chief Torpedoman’s Mate | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Bair, Clarence Ulyssus, USN | | Fireman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Balog, Charles Ramon, USN | | Torpedoman’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Barnes, Harold Wesley, USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Bauer, James Vincent, USN | | Torpedoman’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Beckers, Gilbert Joseph, USNR | | Coxswain | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Belcastro, Paul Joseph, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Bellamy, Harry Elmer, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Bennett, Joseph Thomas, USNR | | Torpedoman’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Bergmann, Henry Andrew, USN | | Ship’s Cook Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Bernhardt, Paul Richard, USNR | | Machinist’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Beyer, Herbert Oscar, USN | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Bilgere, Erwin William Lee, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Boyd, Charles Archibald, USN | | Coxswain | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Clark, Charles Kermit, USN | | Gunner’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Clark, Gaynes Jerome, USN | | Radioman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Coffer, Joe L., USNR | | Carpenter’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Collacott, Edward Allen, USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Conrad, Warren Calvin, USN | | Water Tender Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Cronemeyer, George Theodore, USNR | | Lieutenant (junior grade) | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Crouch, Zelf Arbie, USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Darger, Gerald Eugene, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Davis, Walter Earnest, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Dayton, Edward Milton, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | De Coste, William Francis, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Delrose, Alex George, USN | | Machinist’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Denton, Arthur Marshall, USN | | Chief Machinist’s Mate | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Devere, George Edward, USN | | Torpedoman’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Edelman, Louis Edmund, USN | | Coxswain | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Eshelman, Walter George, USN | | Boatswain’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Estes, Thomas King, USNR | | Fireman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Faulkner, Gordon Allen, USNR | | Fireman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Felt, Raymond Oliver, USNR | | Fireman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Findley, Dallas Merrel, USN | | Torpedoman’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Fisher, Eldon, USNR | | Ensign | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Fitzgerald, Robert Edward, USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Fleishour, Gilbert Curtis, USNR | | Fireman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Fromhartz, James Thomas, USNR | | Coxswain | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Fuller, Robert Francis, USN | | Radioman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Funk, Arthur James, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Gabel, Louis Hauck, USNR | | Fire Controlman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Galvin, John Edward, USN | | Yeoman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Gibson, Otis, USN | | Officer’s Cook Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Gibson, Zannie Lee, USN | | Steward’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Gosen, Pierre E., USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Graham, Joseph, USNR | | Steward’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Gramke, Lawrence Frank, USN | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Gross, Charles Edwin, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Hammersley, Robert Lee, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Hannum, Charles Houston, USNR | | Soundman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Hansen, Arnt Billy, USN | | Lieutenant (junior grade) | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Hardy, William Middleton, USNR | | Steward’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Hare, William George, USNR | | Signalman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Harrell, Edwin Carl, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Harrell, Pershing Henry, USN | | Electrician’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 |  | Hauer, Francis Raymond, USN | 23 | Radio Technician Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Hawkins, Richard Leon, USNR | | Electrician’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Hays, Robert Benjamin, USN | | Fireman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Henry, Louis, USNR | | Steward’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Herndon, Willie Clovis, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Herron, Walter Raymond, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Hill, Leonard Stout, USNR | | Fireman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Hobbs, Arthur, USNR | | Steward’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Hogan, Charles Patrick, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Hogan, Grady Floyd, USNR | | Fireman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Howard, George Fondren, USNR | | Fireman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Howard, Kenneth Jay, USNR | | Fireman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Howser, Walter Mahlon, USN | | Signalman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Humbert, David Dean, USNR | | Gunner’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Hummel, Irving James, USN | | Pharmacist’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Hurley, Robert Vincent, USN | | Radioman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Isaacs, Clifford James, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Jacque, Alonzo Paul, USNR | | Ensign | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | James, Joseph Holman, USNR | | Machinist’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Jamroz, Charles Joseph, USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Joanides, William Michael, USN | | Metalsmith Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Johnson, Thomas Joseph, USNR | | Soundman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | June, Robert Leonard, USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Justice, George Robert, USN | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Keeley, James Donald, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kenney, Carleton Edward, USN | | Gunner’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kerasotes, Anthony Gus, USNR | | Lieutenant (junior grade) | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kitchens, Bradley, USN | | Torpedoman’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kleski, John Andrew, USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Kline, John Edward, USN | | Fireman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kluewer, Gerhard August, USNR | | Fireman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kobel, Ralph Ivan, USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kolesar, Nicholas, USN | | Fire Controlman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Kornbroke, Frederick Lee, USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kurkis, Joseph Adam, USNR | | Ship’s Cook Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kusevich, Carl John, USN | | Machinist’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Kyes, James Elsworth, USN | 37 | Commander | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Laing, Wilbert Mervin, USN | | Carpenter’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Lansden, Jack Leroy, USN | | Gunner’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Lee, Max, USNR | | Radioman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Livingston, Claud Bert, USN | | Gunner’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Logan, James Canfield, USN | | Chief Machinist’s Mate | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | MacDonald, Donald William, USNR | | Yeoman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Magafas, James Andrew, USNR | | Ship’s Cook Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Marchand, Reginald Joseph, USN | | Soundman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Meeker, Philip Cheuvront, USNR | | Radioman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Moore, Orlando Cooper, USN | | Machinist’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Morrison, Maurice, USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Mountain, James Thomas, USN | 22 | Torpedoman’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Muller, Milton Lamont, USN | | Machinist’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Nelson, Richard Phillip, USN | | Machinist’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Norris, Francis Marion, USN | | Water Tender First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Oliver, Curtis Ismal, USNR | | Machinist’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Owens, Harley McCoy, USN | | Ship’s Cook First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Perkinpine, Joseph Ellsworth, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Pirc, Fredric Joseph, USNR | | Radioman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Poremba, Michel Frederick, USN | | Chief Gunner’s Mate | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Pratt, Byron William, USN | | Water Tender Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Prestia, Philip, USNR | | Torpedoman’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Prokop, Edward Stanley, USNR | | Torpedoman’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Pugliese, Albert Joseph, USNR | | Radioman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Rawlings, Beryl Mitchell, USN | 20 | Machinist’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Redding, Willis Gilbert, USN | | Water Tender Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Ritchey, Robert Franklin, USNR | | Gunner’s Mate Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Roberts, David Franklin, USNR | | Fireman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Roberts, Philip Blakey, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Robinson, Don Edwards, USNR | | Storekeeper Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Robinson, Earle Jaye, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Rockman, Marvine, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Rogers, Robert Irwin, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Rogozinski, Casimir Stanley, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Rokosky, John Walter, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Rollings, Neil Norman, USN | | Chief Quartermaster | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Romanczak, Robert Andrew, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Romjue, Rosse Elbert, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Rondanina, Joseph Louis, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Rosman, John Louis, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Saunders, Earl Hopkin, USN | | Machinist’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Shaw, John Wilfred, USN | | Boilermaker First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Shinn, James Aaron, USN | | Machinist’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Siegal, Leonard, USNR | | Ensign | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Singles, Charles Baird, USNR | | Quartermaster Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Smith, Donell Farris, USN | | Ship’s Cook First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Sokolofski, Joseph Peter, USNR | | Electrician’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Spiegel, Charles, USNR | | Shipfitter Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Stout, James Elmer, USN | | Fireman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Stoye, Frederick John, USN | | Signalman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Turner, Hezekiah, USN | | Steward First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Underwood, Lawrence Henry, USNR | | Soundman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Walcutt, Jerome William, USN | | Boatswain’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Warren, Perry, USNR | | Steward’s Mate Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Watson, Robert B., USN | | Lieutenant | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Whittle, Hubert Carl, USN | | Soundman Third Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Williams, Howard Taylor, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
 | | Williams, Thomas Paul, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Wilt, Austin Earl, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Wilt, Homer Glenn, USN | | Seaman Second Class | USS Leary (DD 158) |
 | | Womelsdorf, Albert William, USN | | Machinist’s Mate First Class | USS Leary (DD 158) + |
156 persons found.
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