| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Abram, Robert Hugh, RN | 19 | Ordinary Coder | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Badham, Arthur George, RN | 29 | Able Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Barker, John Colin, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Bird, Kenneth, RN | 18 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Bloomfield, Clarence Herbert, RN | 37 | Signalman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Brooks, Harry, RN | | Crew member | HMS Birmingham (19) |
 | | Buck, Frank Henry, RN | 22 | Crew member | HMS Birmingham (19) |
 | | Crystall, Leonard Sydney, RN | 18 | Ordinary Signalman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Farrar, Clifford, RN | 19 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Fenton, Kenneth William, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) |
 | | Fewings, Raymond Ernest, RN | 18 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Flynn, Thomas, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Gilbert, Eric William, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Gleeson, James, RN | 26 | Able Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Greenhalgh, John, RN | 22 | Ordinary Signalman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Hawken, Geoffrey, RN | 18 | Ordinary Signalman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Hillier, Alfred Arthur Frank, RN | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Hoptroff, Frank Charles George, RN | 18 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Hughes, Thomas Rees, RN | 27 | Able Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | James, Leslie John, RN | 18 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Lewis, Richard Albert John, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Lillie, John Stuart, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Moore, Frederick, RN | 28 | Able Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Osborne, Harry, RN | 20 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Palmer, Horace Osborne, RN | 35 | Cook (S) | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Poplar, William Henry, RN | 27 | Able Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Pywell, Francis Edmund James, RN | 35 | Coder | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Schumacher, Douglas Raymond, RN | 21 | Leading Cook (S) | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Southwell, Alexander Charles, RN | 22 | Coder | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Strugnell, Harry, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Birmingham (19) + |
 | | Williams, Herbert Wyndham, RN | | Captain | HMS Birmingham (19) |
31 persons found.
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