| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Amundsen, Haakon, Merchant Navy | | Oiler | Oregon Express |
 | | Andersen, Hans, Merchant Navy | | Mechanic | Oregon Express + |
 | | Beyer, Asta Josephine, Merchant Navy | | Saloon Girl | Oregon Express + |
 | | Bull, William James, Merchant Navy | | Mess Room Boy | Oregon Express |
 | | Dahle, Rolf, Merchant Navy | | Assistant | Oregon Express |
 | | Danielsen, Jakob L., Merchant Navy | | Third Engineer Officer | Oregon Express + |
 | | Egge, Arne, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Oregon Express |
 | | Eriksen, Ole, Merchant Navy | | Refrigerator Engineer Officer | Oregon Express |
 | | Hansen, Olaf, Merchant Navy | | Saloon Boy | Oregon Express |
 | | Hanssen, Haakon Eidbo, Merchant Navy | | Chief Officer | Oregon Express |
 | | Helvik, Sverre Emil, Merchant Navy | 29 | Able Seaman | Olaf Fostenes, Oregon Express |
 | | Highfield, Henry, Merchant Navy | | Crew member | Oregon Express |
 | | Jensen, Arthur B., Merchant Navy | | Mechanic | Oregon Express |
 | | Johannesen, Georg Johan, Merchant Navy | 49 | Chief Engineer Officer | Oregon Express + |
 | | Johansen, Hallgeir, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Oregon Express |
 | | Jørgensen, Peder, Merchant Navy | | Third Officer | Oregon Express |
 | | Kalleberg, Hans Thorbjørn, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Oregon Express + |
 | | Karlsen, Hans, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Oregon Express |
 | | Kipperberg, Oskar Henry, Merchant Navy | 26 | Able Seaman | Nyholt, Oregon Express + |
 | | Klausen, Karl Kristen, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman/Gunner | Oregon Express |
 | | Klevstuhl, Ragnvald, Merchant Navy | | Assistant | Oregon Express |
 | | Knutsen, Rasmus Sivert, Merchant Navy | | Radio Operator | Oregon Express + |
 | | Ljøstad, Olav, Merchant Navy | | Mechanic | Oregon Express |
 | | Log, Finn, Merchant Navy | 22 | Mechanic | Bennestvet, Oregon Express |
 | | Lorentzen, Ludvik, Merchant Navy | | Steward | Oregon Express |
 | | Lund, Eiler, Merchant Navy | | Carpenter | Oregon Express |
 | | Lunde, Birger, Merchant Navy | 29 | Second Officer | Taranger, Blink, Oregon Express |
 | | Mikkelssen, Finn, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman/Gunner | Oregon Express + |
 | | Milvartsen, Nils, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Oregon Express |
 | | Nilsen, Olav, Merchant Navy | 19 | Ordinary Seaman/Gunner | Oregon Express |
 | | Opdahl, Sigurd, Merchant Navy | | Electrician | Oregon Express |
 | | Paulsen, Per Sverre, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman/Gunner | Oregon Express |
 | | Polson, Peter, Merchant Navy | | Mess Room Boy | Oregon Express |
 | | Rasmussen, Bjørn, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Oregon Express |
 | | Renton, Rangvald, Merchant Navy | | Boatswain (Bosun) | Oregon Express |
 |  | Swain, Edward Rayner, Merchant Navy | 18 | Mess Room Boy | Oregon Express |
 | | Tepstad, Thor, Merchant Navy | | Mechanic | Oregon Express |
 | | Thorsen, Ivar, Merchant Navy | | Galley Boy | Oregon Express |
 | | Thorvaldsen, Ole, Merchant Navy | | Cook | Oregon Express |
 | | Thorvik, Ole, Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Oregon Express |
 | | Turner, George A., Merchant Navy | | Second Radio Operator | Oregon Express |
 | | Vestereng, Isak, Merchant Navy | | Oiler | Oregon Express |
 | | Walsig, Ragnar M., Merchant Navy | | Master | Oregon Express |
 | | Wilhelmsen, Leif B., Merchant Navy | | Able Seaman | Oregon Express |
 | | Ødegaard, Peder Kristian, Merchant Navy | | Second Engineer Officer | Oregon Express |
45 persons found.
People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
If you wish to add a crewmember to the listing we would need most of this information: ship name, nationality, name, dob, place of birth, service (merchant marine, ...), rank or job on board. We have place for a photo as well if provided. You can e-mail us the information here.