| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Alexander, Albert Edward, RN | 40 | Supply Assistant | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Arnold, Cyril, RN | 32 | Petty Officer | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Ayre, Albert, RNR | | Lieutenant Commander | HMS Lagan (K 259) |
 | | Baker, Cyril, RN | 17 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Barker, Godfrey Sidney, RN | 1748 | Leading Stoker | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Barnet, Sydney, RN | | Telegraphist | HMS Lagan (K 259) |
 | | Beazley, Arthur Frederick, RN | 33 | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Benn, Thomas William, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Cheek, William Leonard, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Clarke, Henry, RNVR | 24 | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Cook, Jack Worthington, RN | 19 | Telegraphist | HMS Lagan (K 259) |
 | | Dempster, Harold George, RN | 34 | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Ellis, John James, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Fall, Ronald, RN | 31 | Petty Officer | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Gibbs, Harry, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Goodfellow, George Frederick, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Hambleton, Brian Philip, RN | | Leading Cook (O) | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Hawkins, George John, RN | 20 | Leading Steward | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Hodgson, Frank, RN | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Howell, Henry Ernest, RN | 32 | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Jones, William Henderson, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Livingstone, William, RN | 24 | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Mardle, Thomas Charles, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Martindale, Charles, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Nash, Raymond Gordon, RN | 24 | Leading Supply Assistant | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Nixon, Tom, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Paton, Thomas, RN | 41 | Ordnance Mechanic 4th Class | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Richardson, Colin, RN | 18 | Assistant Cook (S) | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Robertson, Arthur, RN | | Ordinary Coder | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Scott, Peter Terence, RNVR | 23 | Sub-Lieutenant | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Sutton, Charles Albert, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
 | | Williams, William Albert, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Lagan (K 259) + |
32 persons found.
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