| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Allen, Aaron, USN | | Steward's Mate First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Barby, Frank William, USNR | | Baker First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Barrs, James Franklin, USN | | Signalman Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Bell, Howard Orville, USNR | | Machinist's Mate Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Boles, Clarence D., USN | | Watertender First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Bolick, Alonzo W., USN | | Coxswain | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Booker, Herbert G., USNR | 28 | Carpenter's Mate First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Broyhill, James Luke, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Bryan, Albert Leo, USNR | 20 | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Byars, Elvin, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Campbell, Curtis A., USN | | Soundman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Carroll, Fenton Paul, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Carter, Joe R., USNR | 27 | Lieutenant (junior grade) | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Cast, William James, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Chester, Robert Ellsworth, USN | 20 | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Corbett, Houston C., USNR | 25 | Gunner's Mate First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Crates, Eugene F., USNR | 40 | Ship Fitter First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Crudele, Augustus J., USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Currier, David Fletcher, USNR | 28 | Lieutenant | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Dumm, Paul Arnold, USN | | Radarman Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Eager, Frank H., USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Echols, Floyd Alfred, USNR | 35 | Electrician's Mate Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Edwards, George N., USNR | | Quartermaster Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Fedrau, Harold William, USN | 19 | Fireman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Fisher, Robert G., USNR | 23 | Coxswain | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Flugel, Robert Lowe, USN | 21 | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Francoeur, Robert A., USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Gamble, Robert James, USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Giguere, Russell H., USN | | Chief Pharmacist's Mate | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Hart, Arlis Terrell, USN | 22 | Crew member | USS Plymouth (PG 57) |
 | | Hatcher, Phillip B., USN | | Crew member | USS Plymouth (PG 57) |
 | | Heaton, Claude Louis, USN | | Chief Motor Machinist's Mate | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Heinemann, Chester J., USN | | Radioman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Hodnett, R.J., USN | | Coxswain | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Holloway, Clinton G., USN | | Steward's Mate Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Howard, Daniel, USNR | | Steward's Mate Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Jakobczak, Walter J., USN | | Chief Motor Machinist's Mate | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Johnson, Charles C., USNR | | Yeoman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Johnson, Earl Phillip, USN | | Fireman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Johnson, Walter Melvin, USN | 19 | Baker Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Jolliff, Albert Claire, USNR | 18 | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Jones, Douglas Elmo, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Jones, Robert Donald, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Jones, Verba David, USNR | 22 | Electrician's Mate Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Kaminsky, John L., USNR | | Radarman Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Kawula, Frank Joe, USN | | Coxswain | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Keener, Harold R., USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Keller, Carl C., USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Keltch, Rubin, USNR | 24 | Ensign | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Knapp, George Mundy, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Kroening, Lewis Augustus, USN | | Radarman Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Lebeck, Louis William, USN | | Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Lent, Morrison Harold, USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Lindsay, Paul, USN | | Steward's Mate First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Long, Murl, USN | 20 | Carpenter's Mate Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Maier, Franklyn, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | March, Bernard Francis, USN | | Chief Storekeeper | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Massey, Cecil Eugene, USN | | Ship Fitter Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | McCord, Willie B., USNR | | Steward's Mate Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | McCutcheon, William Lou, USN | | Motor Machinist's Mate First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | McGinty, Franklin Alexander, USNR | 31 | Soundman Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Meehan, Clarence P.J., USN | | Chief Gunner's Mate | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Miller, Howard Jules, USN | 19 | Radioman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) |
 | | Mitchel, Ormsby M., USNR | 45 | Lieutenant | USS Plymouth (PG 57) |
 | | Monson, Norman George, USNR | | Chief Commissary Steward | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Moore, Otis, USNR | 24 | Electrician's Mate First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Moses, Benjamin Franklin, USNR | | Chief Electrician's Mate | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Mueller, John Henry, USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Murphy, William J., USNR | | Gunner's Mate Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Nagorniak, John P., USNR | | Ship's Cook Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Niblick, John Junior, USNR | | Fireman Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Nikolai, Otto, USN | | Boatswain's Mate 1st Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Nuzzo, Vincent Joseph, USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Peterburs, Paul F., USN | | Motor Machinist's Mate First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Pierce, Wilbur Jay, USN | 19 | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Potter, Reginald L., USNR | | Fireman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Ray, Carroll Leckman, USNR | 25 | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Richardson, William Absolom, USN | 23 | Boatswain's Mate 1st Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 |  | Rodenbush, James Henry, USNR | 24 | Ensign | USS Plymouth (PG 57) |
 | | Sawtelle, Alvin C., USNR | 36 | Lieutenant | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Schliebe, Lester A., USNR | | Electrician's Mate Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Sheneybarger, Bert Charles, USNR | 16 | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Sirmons, Robert W., USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Smith, Richard M., USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Spiewak, John Simon, USNR | | Soundman Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Stagniunas, Anthony L., USN | | Electrician's Mate Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Teague, Foster Marion, USNR | | Baker Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | True, Raymond Vernon, USNR | 24 | Fireman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Volluse, Raymond Joseph, USNR | | Fireman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Wachter, Charles William, USNR | | Gunner's Mate Third Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Wheeler, Joseph E., USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Whitehead, Clayton L., USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Wilkinson, David K., USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Williams, Robert, USN | | Steward's Mate First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Wiser, William C., USN | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Wismer, John R., USN | 22 | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Witham, Wilfred R., USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Wood, Frank Lee, USNR | 22 | Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
 | | Zyla, Michael N., USNR | | Seaman First Class | USS Plymouth (PG 57) + |
99 persons found.
People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
If you wish to add a crewmember to the listing we would need most of this information: ship name, nationality, name, dob, place of birth, service (merchant marine, ...), rank or job on board. We have place for a photo as well if provided. You can e-mail us the information here.