Ships hit by U-boats

Crew lists from ships hit by U-boats


British motor merchant

This is a listing of people associated with this ship.
We also have a detailed page on the British motor merchant Shillong.

Aboard Shillong when hit on 5 Apr 1943

You can click on any of the names for possible additional information

NameAgeRankServed on
IndianAbdul Aziz, , Merchant Navy39GreaserShillong +
IndianAbdul Bashir, , Merchant NavyDonkeymanShillong +
IndianAbdul Jawad, , Merchant Navy39BhandaryShillong +
IndianAbdul Khair, , Merchant Navy45SeacunnyShillong +
IndianAbdul Malik, , Merchant Navy53TindalShillong +
IndianAdam Ali, , Merchant Navy53OilerShillong +
IndianAli, , Merchant Navy42SeamanShillong +
IndianAsad Ali, , Merchant Navy42SeamanShillong +
IndianBraganza, Espedocas, Merchant Navy43TopassShillong +
IndianCardozo, Candido, Merchant Navy38General ServantShillong +
BritishClowe, David Eric, Merchant NavyApprenticeShillong
BritishCodd, Bernhard Stanley, Merchant Navy30Chief Engineer OfficerShillong +
BritishColeman, Kenneth Allerton, Merchant Navy19Third OfficerShillong +
IndianCordozo, Phil Liponerio, Merchant Navy48PantrymanShillong +
BritishCurling, Cecil Edwin, Merchant Navy40Chief OfficerShillong +
IndianDias, M., Merchant NavyGeneral ServantShillong +
IndianDias, Minguel S., Merchant Navy38General ServantShillong +
IndianFarmuz Ali, , Merchant Navy47FiremanShillong +
IndianFazl Ahmad, , Merchant Navy38SeacunnyShillong +
IndianFazl Rahman, , Merchant Navy57SerangShillong +
IndianFernandes, M.L., Merchant Navy36General ServantShillong +
IndianFernandez, Egidio Jovito, Merchant Navy35ButlerShillong +
BritishFrancis, Gerard, Merchant Navy20Fourth OfficerShillong +
IndianFurtado, Josino, Merchant Navy36General ServantShillong +
IndianGomes, Jose Paul, Merchant Navy53Chief Cook/BakerShillong +
IndianHabib Ullah, , Merchant Navy52TindalShillong +
IndianHadis Ullah, , Merchant Navy47CassabShillong +
BritishHillier, Cecil Frederick, British Army21Gunner (DEMS gunner)Shillong +
BritishHollow, James Harry, Merchant Navy49MasterShillong +
IndianHusain Ali, , Merchant Navy62CassabShillong +
IndianInchan Ullah, , Merchant Navy50FiremanShillong +
IndianIzzat Ali, , Merchant Navy51WinchmanShillong +
IndianKabir Mian, , Merchant Navy29SeamanShillong +
IndianKala Mian, , Merchant Navy40SeamanShillong +
IndianKala Mian, , Merchant Navy33SeamanShillong +
IndianKhurshid Mian, , Merchant Navy27SeamanShillong +
BritishKilday, Ian, Merchant Navy21Engineer OfficerShillong +
BritishLawson, Harold Hutchinson, Merchant Navy36Engineer OfficerShillong +
BritishLindsay, Alan Meadow, Merchant Navy35Second OfficerShillong +
BritishMacRae, William, Merchant Navy28Third Engineer OfficerShillong +
BritishMain, Ronald, Merchant Navy22Second Radio OfficerShillong +
IndianMajid Mian, , Merchant Navy44SeamanShillong +
BritishMallen, Frederick John, British Army22Gunner (DEMS gunner)Shillong +
IndianMaqbul Ali, , Merchant Navy34FiremanShillong +
IndianMashir Ali, , Merchant Navy43GreaserShillong +
BritishMcBeath, James Burns, Merchant Navy52Chief Engineer OfficerShillong +
BritishMcKenzie, James Edward, RN40Able Seaman (DEMS gunner)Shillong +
BritishMcKinlay, Peter Thomson, Merchant Navy41First Radio OfficerShillong +
BritishMoore, Alan Bruce, Merchant NavyApprenticeShillong
IndianMuhammad Zahid, , Merchant Navy32SeamanShillong +
IndianMukaram Ali, , Merchant Navy38FiremanShillong +
IndianMunshi, , Merchant Navy22TopassShillong +
IndianNimar Ali, , Merchant Navy41SerangShillong +
IndianNur Ahmad, , Merchant Navy52SeamanShillong +
IndianNur Ahmad, , Merchant Navy39SeamanShillong +
IndianPereira, Jose, Merchant Navy45BoyShillong +
IndianPereira, T.T., Merchant Navy21ScullionShillong +
BritishPrice, Norman, Merchant Navy20Third OfficerShillong +
BritishPurser, Bertie William, Merchant Navy27SailorShillong +
IndianRashid, , Merchant Navy44BhandaryShillong +
IndianRodrigues, Antonio Rosario, Merchant Navy24CookShillong +
IndianRodrigues, Emeterio, Merchant Navy29CookShillong +
IndianSahar Maluk, , Merchant Navy32SeacunnyShillong +
IndianSawab Ali, , Merchant Navy35DonkeymanShillong +
BritishSeddon, Joseph Francis J., Merchant Navy24Third Radio OfficerShillong +
IndianShah Mian, , Merchant Navy38SeacunnyShillong +
BritishSmith, William James, Merchant Navy38Second Engineer OfficerShillong +
BritishThomson, John Sturrock, Merchant Navy20Fifth Engineer OfficerShillong +
ChineseToo Kee, , Merchant NavyCarpenterShillong +
IndianZamir, , Merchant Navy33SeamanShillong +

70 persons found - for all attacks on this ship (2).

Served on indicates the ships we have listed for the person, some were stationed on multiple ships hit by U-boats.

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