| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Boeg, Charles Ernest, RN | | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Montreal City + |
 | | Bostel, Ernest Bartley, Merchant Navy | 37 | Third Engineer Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Brown, Edward William Henry, Merchant Navy | 30 | Donkeyman | Montreal City + |
 |  | Chanter, Edward Roylands Wolferstan, Merchant Navy | 37 | Master | Montreal City + |
 | | Clement, Kenneth, Merchant Navy | 33 | Cook | Montreal City + |
 | | Cornthwaite, Norman, Merchant Navy | | First Radio Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Crutchley, William Samuel Thomas, British Army | 28 | Gunner | Montreal City + |
 | | Davies, Ivor Gordon, Merchant Navy | 17 | Third Radio Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Davis, Albert, RM | 47 | Sergeant (DEMS gunner) | Montreal City + |
 | | Davis, Bruce Donald, Merchant Navy | 26 | Carpenter | Montreal City + |
 | | Dymond, Albert Leslie, British Army | 32 | Gunner | Montreal City + |
 | | Evans, Walter Albert, Merchant Navy | 27 | Fireman | Montreal City + |
 | | Fudge, Harold, Merchant Navy | 26 | Steward | Montreal City + |
 | | Green, Kenneth Richard, Merchant Navy | | Sailor | Montreal City + |
 | | Griffiths, Richard Owen, Merchant Navy | 45 | Chief Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Hallett, George Frederick, Merchant Navy | 66 | Chief Steward | Montreal City + |
 | | Harrison, Godfrey Watson, Merchant Navy | 35 | Second Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Hawksworth, Ronald Albert George, RN | 20 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Montreal City + |
 | | Jackson-Bennett, Patrick Arthur, Merchant Navy | 23 | Donkeyman | Montreal City + |
 | | Jameson, John Joseph, Merchant Navy | 43 | Able Seaman | Montreal City + |
 | | Kerry, Walter George, Merchant Navy | 33 | Able Seaman | Montreal City + |
 | | Love, John Walter, British Army | 20 | Gunner | Montreal City + |
 | | Metcalf, Cedric William, Merchant Navy | 19 | Senior Ordinary Seaman | Montreal City + |
 | | Nicholls, John Herbert, RN | 20 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Montreal City + |
 | | Parker, Fred William, Merchant Navy | 18 | Cabin Boy | Montreal City + |
 | | Patterson, William John, Merchant Navy | 24 | Fireman and Trimmer | Montreal City + |
 | | Payne, Albert Henry, Merchant Navy | 54 | Chief Engineer Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Porter, Nicholas, Merchant Navy | 26 | Second Engineer Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Richards, Eric Percy, Merchant Navy | 37 | Third Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Ross, Charles, Merchant Navy | 32 | Boatswain (Bosun) | Montreal City + |
 | | Salter, Howard William, Merchant Navy | 20 | Second Radio Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Spraggs, John James, Merchant Navy | 17 | Ordinary Seaman | Montreal City + |
 | | Stedeford, Leslie Maurice, Merchant Navy | 40 | Able Seaman | Montreal City + |
 | | Stone, William John, Merchant Navy | 60 | Able Seaman | Montreal City + |
 | | Ware, James, Merchant Navy | 21 | Able Seaman | Montreal City + |
 | | Wertheim, Bertram Thomas, Merchant Navy | 33 | Cook | Montreal City + |
 | | Williams, Thomas Raymond, Merchant Navy | 22 | Fourth Engineer Officer | Montreal City + |
 | | Williamson, Walter, Merchant Navy | 34 | Fireman and Trimmer | Montreal City + |
 | | Wilmot, Edric James, Merchant Navy | 32 | Donkeyman | Montreal City + |
 | | Winspur, Raymond John, Merchant Navy | 17 | Deck Boy | Montreal City + |
40 persons found.
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