| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Anderson, Oliver W., USN | | Chief Carpenter's Mate | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Atkinson, Thomas Sidney, USNR | | Water Tender First Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Bennett, John Francis, USN | | Water Tender First Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Blackhall, Gordon Louis, USNR | | Seaman Second Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) |
 | | Christ, Francis F., USNR | | Boatswain's Mate Second Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Gueldner, Joseph M., USNR | | Yeoman Third Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Hall, Willard James, USN | | Fireman Second Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Hanks, Arlie Lester, USNR | | Electrician's Mate Third Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Hemphill, Kermit, USN | | Machinist's Mate First Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Heppes, Karl Edward, USN | | Fireman Second Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Hill, William Robert, USN | 21 | Pharmacist’s Mate Second Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) |
 | | Hutchinson, M.W., USN | | Captain | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) |
 | | Kermel, Paul Leonard, USN | | Electrician's Mate First Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Leblanc, Ulric Joseph, USNR | | Electrician's Mate First Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Schoop, Eugene, USNR | | Lieutenant | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Szafran, Edward, USNR | | Fireman Third Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Warren, Thomas Reed, USNR | | Machinist's Mate Second Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Wordlow, George Amos, USN | | Steward's Mate Second Class | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) + |
 | | Worrell, Harold Lenford, USN | 26 | Chief Quartermaster | USS Edward Rutledge (AP 52) |
19 persons found.
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