| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Acton, George, Merchant Navy | 23 | Able Seaman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Acton, William, Merchant Navy | 27 | Able Seaman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Armstrong, Edward, Merchant Navy | 39 | Able Seaman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Atkinson, Thomas Henry, Merchant Navy | 41 | Donkeyman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Beaney, James Arthur, Merchant Navy | 28 | First Radio Officer | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Brittan, Harold Medlar, Merchant Navy | 42 | Boatswain (Bosun) | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Brown, Andrew, Merchant Navy | 25 | Donkeyman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Clelland, William, Merchant Navy | 21 | Fireman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Connolly, Anthony, Merchant Navy | 20 | Fireman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Cook, William, British Army | 27 | Gunner (DEMS gunner) | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Cox, Harry, Merchant Navy | 19 | Mess Room Boy | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Cradduck, Thomas William Walters, Merchant Navy | 41 | Able Seaman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Crosby, A., Merchant Navy | | Second Officer | Empire Leopard |
 | | Evans, John Evan, Merchant Navy | 37 | Master | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Ferguson, Frederick William, Merchant Navy | 49 | Chief Engineer Officer | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Foster, William, RN | 19 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Graves, Thomas William, Merchant Navy | 29 | Second Engineer Officer | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Gray, Joseph, Merchant Navy | 41 | Ordinary Seaman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Havler, Edward William, Merchant Navy | 19 | Assistant Cook | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Hunter, Richard Robinson, British Army | 29 | Serjeant (DEMS gunner) | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Hutton, David Alexander, Merchant Navy | 19 | Able Seaman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Johnstone, George Elder, Merchant Navy | 24 | Greaser | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Jones, Elias Tudor, Merchant Navy | 35 | Carpenter | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Kerr, Alexander, Merchant Navy | 59 | Able Seaman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Kyte, David McGregor, RN | 22 | Leading Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Leopard + |
 | | McMillan, Malcolm, Merchant Navy | 33 | Second Radio Officer | Empire Leopard + |
 | | McNamee, James Shea, Merchant Navy | 59 | Fireman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Neill, Edward Gordon, Merchant Navy | 61 | Chief Officer | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Ovens, George, Merchant Navy | 28 | Third Engineer Officer | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Rudland, Arthur, Merchant Navy | 40 | Cook | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Sharp, George Edward, RN | 19 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Swales, George Thomas, Merchant Navy | 59 | Chief Steward | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Taylor, William Arthur, Merchant Navy | 28 | Greaser | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Truett, William Scott, Merchant Navy | 21 | Able Seaman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Weaver, George Arthur, Merchant Navy | 48 | Fireman | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Weston, Frederick William, RN | 34 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Willetts, Reginald Francis, RN | 28 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Leopard + |
 | | Woods, Robert John, Merchant Navy | 26 | Third Officer | Empire Leopard + |
38 persons found.
People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
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