| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Austin, George Alexander, RN | 31 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Baker, William Henry, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Bateman, Peter, RN | 16 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Bell, Ewart John Charles Henry, RN | 22 | Electrical Mechanic 5th Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Brush, George Carleton, RN | 45 | Chief Engine Room Artificer | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Clarkson, Oswald, RN | 27 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 |  | Denton, Stanley, RN | 23 | Leading Stoker | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Dixie, Joseph, RN | | Crew member | HMS Phoebe (43) |
 | | Docherty, John, RN | 40 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Elliott, William Albert, RN | 27 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Erridge, Albert Charles, RM | 29 | Bandmaster 2nd Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Fairminer, Victor Douglas Horace, RN | | Leading Seaman (RDF) | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Frend, Charles Peter, RN | | Captain | HMS Phoebe (43) |
 |  | Game, John Edwin, RN | 28 | Leading Sick Berth Attendant | HMS Phoebe (43) |
 | | Gooch, Frank William, RN | | Able Seaman (RDF) | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Grant, Thomas Oliver, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) |
 | | Harrison, William Charles, RN | | Steward | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Henderson, George, RN | 17 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Howe, Stanley George, RFR | 38 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Jones, Donald Edwin, RN | 31 | Able Seaman (RDF) | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Lamprill, John, RN | 22 | Electrical Mechanic 5th Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Lancefield, Ronald Vivian, RM | 23 | Marine | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Little, Alexander Anthony, RN | 20 | Leading Radio Mechanic | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Lord, Douglas William, SANF | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | MacCallum, Gordon Blair, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Mallett, Henry Arthur, RM | 28 | Marine | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Martin, Peter Jack, RN | 16 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Maunder, James Noel, RN | 33 | Able Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Maw, George, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Miatt, Geoffrey William Buchanan, RN | 17 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Millin, Arthur Ernest Walter, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Mills, Edgar, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Moulder, George William, RN | 20 | Ordinary Seaman (RDF) | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Murray, Isaac, RN | 20 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Needham, Walter, RN | 21 | Able Seaman (RDF) | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Paul, Ernest Sidney, RN | 25 | Able Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Pickett, Edward Isaac, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Rawson, Vincent, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Riley, Victor John, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Robertson, Alexander Mcgill, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Sancto, Ronald, RN | 21 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Sewell, Bertie Wilfred, RN | 33 | Able Seaman (RDF) | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Sharpe, Jack, RN | 16 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Slapp, William John, RN | 17 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Smith, Hardy Leonard, RN | 34 | Petty Officer | HMS Phoebe (43) |
 | | Stirling, James, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Swallow, William Alfred Charles, RN | 16 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Taylor, Harold, RM | 21 | Marine | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Tompkins, Ernest Victor, RN | 24 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Tribble, Ernest William, RN | 16 | Boy 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Turvey, Horace Albert, RN | 42 | Chief Mechanician 2nd Class | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Wood, Frederick George, RN | 37 | Able Seaman (RDF) | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
 | | Woodfine, Alfred Francis, RN | 21 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Phoebe (43) |
 | | Woodrow, Harold Frank, RM | 35 | Sergeant | HMS Phoebe (43) + |
54 persons found.
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