| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Aadahl, Richard William Gibson, Merchant Navy | 27 | Chief Steward | Southern Empress + |
 | | Adams, Francis, Merchant Navy | 19 | Fireman | Southern Empress + |
 | | Allison, Robert, Merchant Navy | 29 | Third Engineer Officer | Southern Empress + |
 | | Aspinall, Thomas Henry, RN | 33 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Ayre, E., Merchant Navy | 27 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Barks, Reginald, RN | 25 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Boots, Ernest, Merchant Navy | 15 | Mess Room Boy | Southern Empress + |
 | | Butler, David, Merchant Navy | 54 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Conolly, Bartholomew, Merchant Navy | 60 | Fireman | Southern Empress + |
 | | Dunn, P.W., Merchant Navy | 57 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Eyre, John, Merchant Navy | 23 | Passenger (DBS) | Robert E. Lee, Southern Empress + |
 | | Froggatt, George Charles, Merchant Navy | | Chief Officer | Southern Empress |
 | | Gale, Arthur Francis Toms, RM | 34 | Sergeant (DEMS gunner) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Gibson, Daniel, Merchant Navy | 20 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Hall, Thomas, Merchant Navy | 18 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Hansen, Olaf Kr., Merchant Navy | 42 | Master | Southern Empress + |
 | | Hargreaves, Edward, RN | 28 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Harris, John Stephen, Merchant Navy | 39 | Boatswain (Bosun) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Hibberd, John, Merchant Navy | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | Southern Empress + |
 | | Hill, James, Merchant Navy | 30 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Holgate, Frederick Charles, Merchant Navy | 23 | Sailor | Southern Empress + |
 | | Horrigan, Patrick, Merchant Navy | 23 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Hutchison, Jeremiah, Merchant Navy | 21 | Sailor | Southern Empress + |
 | | Johnson, William George, Merchant Navy | 32 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Kelly, John, Merchant Navy | 44 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Knighton, John, Merchant Navy | 38 | Greaser | Southern Empress + |
 | | Mackintosh, John, Merchant Navy | 27 | Carpenter | Southern Empress + |
 | | MacNeil, Donald, Merchant Navy | 28 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Mahy, Charles Francis, Merchant Navy | 43 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Main, William Alexander Campbell, Merchant Navy | 19 | Assistant Steward | Southern Empress + |
 | | Massey, Edward Arthur Leonard, Merchant Navy | 26 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Mathie, George Macadam, Merchant Navy | 39 | Second Engineer Officer | Southern Empress + |
 | | McGuigan, John, Merchant Navy | 19 | Assistant Steward | Southern Empress + |
 | | McKinnon, Andrew McCaig, Merchant Navy | 19 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | McLaughlin, Reginald, Merchant Navy | 19 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | McNally, John, Merchant Navy | 15 | Mess Room Boy | Southern Empress + |
 | | Rimmer, Richard, Merchant Navy | 33 | Sixth Engineer Officer | Southern Empress + |
 | | Robinson, George Edward, Merchant Navy | 20 | Sailor | Southern Empress + |
 | | Rumsey, Edwin Ernest, Merchant Navy | 27 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Ryrie, Donald Bremner, Merchant Navy | 41 | First Radio Officer | Southern Empress + |
 | | Sisoff, Leonard, Merchant Navy | 18 | Mess Room Boy | Southern Empress + |
 | | Skinner, William, Merchant Navy | 42 | Chief Engineer Officer | New Sevilla, Southern Empress + |
 | | Smith, John George, Merchant Navy | 26 | Sailor | Southern Empress + |
 | | Stanford, George Albert, Merchant Navy | 34 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Stratford, D., Merchant Navy | 16 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
 | | Williams, William, Merchant Navy | 25 | Able Seaman | Southern Empress + |
 | | Worsley, Harold, Merchant Navy | 21 | Third Radio Officer | Southern Empress + |
 | | Wylie, John Barbour, Merchant Navy | 21 | Third Officer | Southern Empress + |
 | | Yearwood, Burnley Gisbourne, Merchant Navy | 65 | Passenger (DBS) | Southern Empress + |
49 persons found.
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