| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Borden, William Aiknon, Merchant Marine | | Cook | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Coogan, Charles, USN | | Apprentice Seaman | Alexander Macomb |
 | | De Leon, Purcival J., Merchant Marine | | Messman | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Fennessy, Thomas Patrick, USNR | | Apprentice Seaman | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Froisland, Carl Monsen, Merchant Marine | | Master | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Gardner, Ralph, USN | | Seaman Third Class | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Hanus, George, USNR | | Apprentice Seaman | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Hayes, Alfred R., USN | | Apprentice Seaman | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Hughes, William Lewis, Merchant Marine | | Carpenter | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Kaempfer, Robert James, Merchant Marine | | Purser | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Kelso, Clarence A., USNR | | Lieutenant (junior grade) | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Krupp, William A., USN | | Seaman Second Class | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Liller, Dallas Woodrow, USNR | 22 | Seaman Second Class | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Lundblom, Harold E., USN | | Apprentice Seaman | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Swanson, Dale A., USN | | Seaman Second Class | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Swanson, Marvin V., USN | | Seaman First Class | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Traxler, Harold William, USN | | Apprentice Seaman | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Treglown, Theodore M., USN | 35 | Seaman Second Class | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Vanderwyst, Maurice Henry, USNR | 21 | Seaman Second Class | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Vandiver, Donald Lee, USN | | Seaman First Class | Alexander Macomb |
 | | Vercnocke, Albert Rene, USNR | | Apprentice Seaman | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Zebrowski, Edward Francis, USNR | | Apprentice Seaman | Alexander Macomb + |
 | | Zeroz, Leo Vincent, USNR | | Seaman First Class | Alexander Macomb + |
23 persons found.
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