Ships hit by U-boats

Crew lists from ships hit by U-boats


Greek steam merchant

Korthion under her former name Noordwijk. Photo Courtesy of Library of Contemporary History, Stuttgart

This is a listing of people associated with this ship.
We also have a detailed page on the Greek steam merchant Korthion.

Aboard Korthion when hit on 14 Apr 1942

You can click on any of the names for possible additional information

NameAgeRankServed on
GreekBalkas, Stamatios Vasileiou, Merchant NavySecond Engineer OfficerKorthion +
GreekBalsis, Evangelos, Merchant Navy59Third Engineer OfficerKorthion
PortugueseDela, Dedro Jose, Merchant NavyCrew memberKorthion +
GreekEconomou, Anargyros, Merchant Navy32Able SeamanKorthion
GreekExadaktylos, Georgios, Merchant Navy28Second OfficerKorthion
GreekFalagas, Dimosthenis Nikolaou, Merchant NavyChief Engineer OfficerKorthion +
GreekFalagas, Vasilios Ioannou, Merchant NavyChief OfficerKorthion +
GreekGianisis, Elias, Merchant Navy20Mess Room BoyKorthion
GreekGiannisis, Ioannis Stamatiou, Merchant NavyStokerKorthion +
GreekGrafas, Antonios Antoniou, Merchant NavyCookKorthion +
GreekKekos, Michail Nikolaou, Merchant NavyDonkeymanKorthion +
GreekKoumlikis, George, Merchant Navy39StewardKorthion
CanadianLevao, Maurice, Merchant Navy23TrimmerKorthion
GreekMarketos, Michael, Merchant Navy51Able SeamanKorthion
GreekMavros, Ioannis, Merchant Navy38MasterKorthion
DanishNielsen, Karl Møller, Merchant Navy24Able SeamanKorthion +
NorwegianNilsen, Aage, Merchant Navy18Able SeamanKorthion +
GreekPaleokrassas, Evangelos Ioannou, Merchant NavyBoatswain (Bosun)Korthion +
DanishPeterson, Louis, Merchant NavyCrew memberKorthion +
PortugueseRego, Joselias de, Merchant NavyCrew memberKorthion +
GreekSambanis, Nikolaos, Merchant NavyStokerKorthion +
PortugueseSolla, Antonio de, Merchant NavyCrew memberKorthion +
GreekTomaras, Christos, Merchant Navy34Radio OfficerKorthion

23 persons found.

Served on indicates the ships we have listed for the person, some were stationed on multiple ships hit by U-boats.

People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
If you wish to add a crewmember to the listing we would need most of this information: ship name, nationality, name, dob, place of birth, service (merchant marine, ...), rank or job on board. We have place for a photo as well if provided. You can e-mail us the information here.