| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Allan, John, RN | 22 | Cook | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Ashton, Hilbre Maynard, RN | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Astwood, William Maurice Lloyd, RN | 44 | Commander | HMS Broadwater (H 81) |
 | | Birrell, Logie, RN | | Cook | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Bowman, John, RN | 19 | Leading Telegraphist | HMS Broadwater (H 81) |
 | | Brotherton, Harry, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Buchanan, Alexander, RN | | Steward | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Byrom, John, RN | 19 | Signalman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Clatworthy, George Charles, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Cleghorn, Sydney Watson, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Cogan, Cecil James, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Cree, James, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Crosthwaite, Wilfred Lawson, RN | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Dooling, Timothy, RN | 41 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Duly, Henry Ernest Albert, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Espley, Walter, NAAFI | | Canteen Manager | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Gow, Ian Malcolm, RN | | Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Griffiths, Ronald William Alexander, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Hayes, John Joseph, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Henderson, Henry William, RN | 33 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Hogbin, Richard Henry Stephen, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Hunt, Frederick Horace, RN | | Chief Stoker | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Jordan, Thomas Wilfred Howard, RN | | Steward | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Keeping, Chesley, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Knowles, Andrew, RN | 23 | Lieutenant | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Law, Charles Charmers Calder, RN | | Ordinary Telegraphist | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | McQuillan, Victor James, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Miller, Peter, RN | | Telegraphist | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Mills, James, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Moore, Ralph Ivan, RN | 44 | Chief Engine Room Artificer | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Morris, George Henry, RANR | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Morrison, Samuel Rutherford, RN | 29 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Nicholls, Percy, RN | 22 | Ordnance Artificer 4th Class | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Parker, John Stanley, RNVR | 51 | Lieutenant | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Poole, Raymond Stanley, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Rimmer, David, RN | | Engine Room Artificer 4th Class | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Roderick, Alan, RN | 24 | Able Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Rostron, John, RN | | Telegraphist | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Sampson, Richard John, RNVR | 32 | Ty/Lieutenant | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Sandrey, Llewellyn, RN | | Ordinary Signalman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Stone, Leslie Salustiano, RN | | Wireman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Taylor, Richard, RN | 20 | Sick Berth Attendant | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Thomson, John Leitch, RN | 22 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Turner, Frederick William, RN | 44 | Ty/Act/Gunner (T) | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Wasley, Idris Oswald, RN | 25 | Cook | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Wright, Cyril, RN | 21 | Engine Room Artificer 4th Class | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
 | | Wright, Ivor Leonard, RN | 30 | Signalman | HMS Broadwater (H 81) + |
47 persons found.
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