| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Bondoka, Ibrahim Gomaa, Merchant Navy | 32 | Able Seaman | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Chadwick, William G., Merchant Navy | 38 | Third Engineer Officer | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Clarke, Peter Henry, RN | 19 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Condy, Joseph Alexander, Merchant Navy | 33 | Second Officer | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Ellul, Vincent, Merchant Navy | 21 | Fireman | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Gusman, Felix, Merchant Navy | 21 | Ordinary Seaman | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Hardy, Stanley Kilby, Merchant Navy | 28 | Master | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Hughes, Ivor Frederick, RN | 20 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Ibrahim, Mohamed Hassan, Merchant Navy | 38 | Cook | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Ibrahim, Oscar Isac, Merchant Navy | 27 | Second Engineer Officer | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Jackson, William Arthur, Merchant Navy | 21 | Radio Officer | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Jenkinson, Neil, Merchant Navy | 41 | Chief Engineer Officer | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Keegan, Robert, Merchant Navy | 22 | Ordinary Seaman | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Martin, Douglas Balloch, Merchant Navy | 23 | Third Officer | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Mills, Matthew Mclean, RN | 23 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Muscat, Emanuel, Merchant Navy | 22 | Able Seaman | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Panzaro, John, Merchant Navy | 29 | Steward | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Taylor, Alfred James, RN | | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Toriglia, John, Merchant Navy | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | Pass of Balmaha + |
 | | Zographos, Fredrick, Merchant Navy | 19 | Fireman | Pass of Balmaha + |
20 persons found.
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