| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Anderson, Gordon Todd, Merchant Navy | 18 | Third Radio Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Banks, Winsor, Merchant Navy | 31 | Cook | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Bergman, Ernest, Merchant Navy | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Biddle, James, Merchant Navy | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Bolton, James Lewis, Merchant Navy | 28 | Carpenter | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Bowman, Frederick Charles, Merchant Navy | 25 | Able Seaman | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Brackstone, Archibald, Merchant Navy | 26 | Able Seaman | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Broster, James, British Army | 28 | Gunner (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Calder, Ian Stephenson, Merchant Navy | 24 | Second Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Carroll, Sydney, Merchant Navy | 19 | Sailor | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Castle, Ronald Victor, Merchant Navy | 22 | Fourth Engineer Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Collinson, George Robert, Merchant Navy | 22 | Able Seaman | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Davies, Emerson Clarke, Merchant Navy | 25 | Second Radio Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Dunn, Harold, Merchant Navy | 16 | Galley Boy | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Dunn, John James, Merchant Navy | 55 | Water Tender | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Forster, Thomas Lang, Merchant Navy | 23 | Supernumerary Fourth Engineer Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Francis, Leslie Louvain, RN | 27 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Garlick, John, British Army | 21 | Gunner (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Gough, Edmund Albert, Merchant Navy | 20 | Assistant Steward | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Gronhaug, Sigvard, Merchant Navy | 45 | Greaser | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Heraghty, Reginald Sidney Colvin, Merchant Navy | 21 | Passenger (DBS) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Hodgson, Reginald, Merchant Navy | 43 | Third Engineer Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Jack, Robert, British Army | 22 | Gunner (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Jeffreys, Herbert, Merchant Navy | 19 | Mess Room Steward | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Jonnild, Martin Albert, Merchant Navy | 46 | Second Engineer Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Liddle, George Henry, Merchant Navy | 20 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Linighan, Thomas, Merchant Navy | 17 | Deck Boy | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | MacDougall, Michael, Merchant Navy | 38 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | MacLeod, Fraser, Merchant Navy | 20 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Mallon, Frederick Philip, Merchant Navy | 26 | First Radio Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | McIntosh, George William, Merchant Navy | 49 | Greaser | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Oliver, Henry Ronald, Merchant Navy | 30 | Chief Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Pearson, John Close, Merchant Navy | 35 | Boatswain (Bosun) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Peet, Peter, British Army | 21 | Gunner (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Phillips, William Ward, British Army | 33 | Lance Bombardier (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Piercey, John, Merchant Navy | 18 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Renshaw, Clarence Stanley, Merchant Navy | 40 | Chief Engineer Officer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Roberts, James Leonard, Merchant Navy | 16 | Cabin Boy | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Ross, William Sidney, RN | 31 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Scholes, Frederick, British Army | 21 | Gunner (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Sexton, Charles William James, Merchant Navy | 46 | Chief Steward | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Smyth, Bernard, Merchant Navy | 47 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Stevenson, Idris James, Merchant Navy | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Townend, Eric Robinson, Merchant Navy | 38 | Master | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Twidale, James Wilkinson, Merchant Navy | 28 | Able Seaman | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Widman, Hans, Merchant Navy | 23 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Wilcox, Norman Herbert Charles, Merchant Navy | 23 | Assistant Cook | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Williams, Kenneth Eric, RN | 26 | Able Seaman (DEMS gunner) | Empire Crossbill + |
 | | Wilson, Edward Rochester, Merchant Navy | 58 | Donkeyman | Empire Crossbill + |
49 persons found.
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