Claude Lindesay Bate DSO, RN
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Retired: 26 Aug 1929 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Claude Lindesay Bate, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Voltaire (F 47) | Capt. (retired) | Armed Merchant Cruiser | 25 Sep 1939 | 21 Sep 1940 |
HMS Sussex (96) | Capt. (retired) | Heavy cruiser | 13 Nov 1940 | early 1941 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Voltaire (F 47)
30 Apr 1940
Convoy HX 39.
This convoy departed Halifax on 30 April 1940.
It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Aelybryn (British, 4986 GRT, built 1938), Ainderby (British, 4860 GRT, built 1925), Arthur F. Corwin (British (tanker), 10516 GRT, built 1938), Aspasia Nomikos (Greek, 4855 GRT, built 1938), Athelcrown (British (tanker), 11999 GRT, built 1929), Atlantian (British, 6549 GRT, built 1928), Auditor (British, 5444 GRT, built 1924), Benwood (Norwegian, 3931 GRT, built 1910), Canadolite (British (tanker), 11309 GRT, built 1926), Comanchee (British (tanker), 6837 GRT, built 1936), Daleby (British, 4640 GRT, built 1929), Dalemoor (British, 5835 GRT, built 1922), Delilian (British, 6423 GRT, built 1923), Desmoulea (British (tanker), 8120 GRT, built 1939), Diloma (British (tanker), 8146 GRT, built 1939), Donacilla (British (tanker), 8113 GRT, built 1939), Empire Industry (British, 3682 GRT, built 1916), Ethan Allen (British, 7777 GRT, built 1920), Hopemount (British, 7434 GRT, built 1929), Inverlee (British (tanker), 9158 GRT, built 1938), Josiah Macy (Panamanian (tanker) 6899 GRT, built 1917), Kalliopi S. (Greek, 5230 GRT, built 1918), King Robert (British, 5880 GRT, built 1920), King Stephen (British, 5274 GRT, built 1928), Kirnwood (British, 3829 GRT, built 1928), Kotor (Yugoslavian, 3564 GRT, built 1904), Nestos (Greek, 5764 GRT, built 1919), Nurtureton (British, 6272 GRT, built 1929), Nyland (Norwegian, 1374 GRT, built 1940), Oilfield (British (tanker), 8516 GRT, built 1938), Shekatika (British, 5458 GRT, built 1936), Swiftpool (British, 5205 GRT, built 1929), Temple Mead (British, 4427 GRT, built 1928), Temple Yard (British, 5205 GRT, built 1937), Tornus (British (tanker), 8054 GRT, built 1936), Tower Field (British, 4241 GRT, built 1935), Tredinnick (British, 4589 GRT, built 1921), Trehata (British, 4817 GRT, built 1928), Vav (Norwegian (tanker), 6415 GRT, built 1931) and Wanderer (British, 5079 GRT, built 1925).
The Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) tanker Oligarch (6894 GRT, built 1918) was also part of the convoy.
On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Voltaire (Capt.(Retd.) C.L. Bate, DSO, RN), destroyers HMCS Restigouche (Lt.Cdr. H.N. Lay, RN), HMCS St. Laurent (Lt.Cdr. H.G. De Wolf, RCN) and the submarine Archimede (Lt. R.F.J. Attane).
Around 0500Q/1, the following merchant vessels overtook and joined the convoy, having sailed late from Halifax; Coptic ((British, 8281 GRT, built 1928), Grayburn (British, 6342 GRT, built 1938), Roussillon (French (tanker), 9967 GRT, built 1936) and Westbury (British, 4712 GRT, built 1928).
Around 1400Q/1, the Canadian destroyers parted company to return to Halifax.
Around 0750O/7, in position 44°55'N, 36°45'W, the Josiah Mary fell out of the convoy as she was not under control. She was lost from sight after dark and did not rejoin the convoy. Her destination was Southampton [arrival date not known].
Around 0800Z/11, in position 49°40'N, 17°40'W, HMS Voltaire parted company with the convoy to return to Halifax.
The Archimede parted company later on the 11th to proceed to Brest.
Around 0700A/12, in position 49°53'N, 13°10'W, the sloop HMS Enchantress (Cdr. A.K. Scott-Moncrieff, RN) and corvette HMS Gladiolus (Lt.Cdr. H.M.C. Sanders, RNR) joined the convoy.
Around 1930A/12, in position 48°52'N, 10°50'W, the convoy split into two sections. Around the same time, the Kalliopi S. left the convoy without permission. She arrived at Queenstown, Ireland in 13 May.
The Irish Sea / west coast section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Aelybryn (arrived in the Clyde on 15 May), Ainderby (arrived at Liverpool on 14 May), Atlantian (arrived at Liverpool on 14 May), Auditor (arrived at Liverpool on 14 May), Comanchee (arrived at Avonmouth on 14 May), Daleby (arrived at Liverpool on 14 May), Delilian (arrived in the Clyde on 15 May), Ethan Allen (arrived at Liverpool on 14 May), Grayburn (arrived at Liverpool on 14 May), Inverlee (arrived in the Clyde on 14 May), King Stephen (arrived at Swansea on 14 May), Kirnwood (arrived at Liverpool on 14 / 15 May), Kotor (arrived at Liverpool on 14 / 15 May), Nestos (arrived at Cardiff on 14 May), Nurtureton (arrived at Liverpool on 14 May), Nyland (arrived at Avonmouth on 14 May), Oilfield (arrived at Avonmouth on 14 May), Oligarch (arrived at Liverpool on 14 May), Tredinnick (arrived at Avonmouth on 14 May), Trehata (arrived at Avonmouth on 14 May) and Vav (arrived at Belfast on 15 May). They were escorted by HMS Enchantress which after having escorted the bulk of this section towards Liverpool proceeded to Plymouth where she arrived on 15 May.
The Channel / east coast section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Arthur F. Corwin (arrived in the Downs on 15 May), Aspasia Nomikos (arrived at Le Havre on 15 May), Athelcrown (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Benwood (arrived at Falmouth on 13 May), Canadolite (arrived at Le Havre on 14 May), Coptic (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Dalemoor (arrived in the Downs on 15 May), Desmoulea (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Diloma (arrived at Southampton on 14 May), Donacilla (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Empire Industy (arrived in the Downs on 15 May), Hopemouth (arrived at Portland on 14 May), King Robert (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Roussillion (arrived at Le Havre on 15 May), Shekatika (arrived at Southampton on 15 May), Swiftpool (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Temple Mead (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Temple Yard (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Tornus (arrived at Portland on 14 May), Tower Field (arrived in the Downs on 15 May), Wanderer (arrived at Portland on 14 May) and Westbury (arrived at Portland on 14 May). They were escorted by HMS Gladiolus which arrived at Dover on 15 May 1940. (1)
24 May 1940
Convoy HX 45.
This convoy departed Halifax on 24 May 1940.
It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Antonio (British, 5225 GRT, built 1918), Barrwhin (British, 4998 GRT, built 1929), Bayano (British, 6815 GRT, built 1917), Bellcrest (British, 4517 GRT, built 1925), Buteshire (British, 6590 GRT, built 1912), Clumberhall (British, 5198 GRT, built 1930), Consuelo (British, 4847 GRT, built 1937), Dalblair (British, 4608 GRT, built 1926), Dalmore (British, 5193 GRT, built 1927), Filleigh (British, 4856 GRT, built 1928), Goolistan (British, 5851 GRT, built 1929), James McGee (Panamanian (tanker), 9859 GRT, built 1917), Kalypso Vergotti (Greek, 5219 GRT, built 1918), Kiruna (Swedish, 5484 GRT, built 1921), Kuridistan (British, 5844 GRT, built 1928), Lancaster Castle (British, 5172 GRT, built 1937), Leontios Teryazos (Greek, 4479 GRT, built 1911), Manoula (Greek, 1966 GRT, built 1920), Peterston (British, 4680 GRT, built 1925), Rushpool (British, 5125 GRT, built 1928), San Florentino (British (tanker), 12842 GRT, built 1919), Senta (Norwegian, 3911 GRT, built 1917), Wearwood (British, 4597 GRT, built 1930) and West Cape (British, 5572 GRT, built 1918).
On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Voltaire (Capt.(Retd.) C.L. Bate, DSO, RN) and the destroyer HMCS Saguenay (Cdr. G.R. Miles, RCN).
HMCS Saguenay was ordered to leave the convoy around 1800Q/25 and then return to Halifax.
During the first two days out of Halifax fog was encountered and the Manoula and Senta both straggled from the convoy. They arrived at Liverpool on 8 June and Belfast on 9 June respectively.
Around 0830P/29, convoy BHX 45 joined convoy HX 45. The following merchant vessels then joined the convoy; Beth (Norwegian, 6852 GRT, built 1930), Bradglen (British, 4741 GRT, built 1930), British Commander (British (tanker), 6901 GRT, built 1922), British Dominion (British (tanker), 6983 GRT, built 1928), British Prudence (British (tanker), 8620 GRT, built 1939), Brumaire (French (tanker), 7638 GRT, built 1930), Caprella (British (tanker), 8230 GRT, built 1931), Cliona (British (tanker), 8375 GRT, built 1931), Coya (British, 4954 GRT, built 1919), Cressington Court (British, 4971 GRT, built 1929), Donax (British (tanker), 8036 GRT, built 1938), Edward F. Johnson (British (tanker), 10452 GRT, built 1937), Evoikos (Greek, 4792 GRT, built 1922), Hallanger (Norwegian (tanker), 9551 GRT, built 1928), Hoegh Scout (Norwegian (tanker), 9924 GRT, built 1939), Houston City (British, 4935 GRT, built 1934), Inanda (British, 5985 GRT, built 1925), Inventor (British, 6210 GRT, built 1935), Krossfonn (Norwegian (tanker), 9323 GRT, built 1935), Litiopa (Norwegian (tanker), 5311 GRT, built 1917), Lunula (British (tanker), 6363 GRT, built 1927), Lylepark (British, 5186 GRT, built 1929), Moveria (British, 4867 GRT, built 1935), Rangitiki (British, 16698 GRT, built 1928), Ruth Kellogg (British (tanker), 5543 GRT, built 1920), San Cipriano (British (tanker), 7966 GRT, built 1937), San Eliseo (British (tanker), 8042 GRT, built 1939), San Gabriel (British, 4943 GRT, built 1920), Schuylkill (British (tanker), 8965 GRT, built 1928), Scottish Heather (British (tanker), 7087 GRT, built 1928), Solsten (Norwegian (tanker), 5379 GRT, built 1929), South America (Norwegian (tanker), 6246 GRT, built 1931), Tamaroa (British, 12405 GRT, built 1922), Thelma (Norwegian (tanker), 8297 GRT, built 1937), Torvanger (Norwegian, 6564 GRT, built 1920), Varanger (Norwegian (tanker), 9305 GRT, built 1925) and Waban (British, 6038 GRT, built 1919).
Around 1400P/29, the Evoikos parted company to proceed to Casablanca where she arrived on 12 or 13 June.
Around 1400N/4, in position 50°04'N, 18°22'W, HMS Voltaire parted company to return to Halifax.
Around 0640A/5, in position 50°18'N, 13°00'W, the corvette HMS Periwinkle (Lt.Cdr. H. Row, RNR) joined the convoy followed a few hour later by the sloop HMS Sandwich (Cdr. M.J. Yeatman, RN).
The convoy was split up into two sections later on 5 June.
The Irish Sea / west coast section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Barrwhin (arrived in the Clyde on 8 June), Bayano (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), British Commander (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), British Dominion (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), British Prudence (arrived at Scapa Flow on 13 June, possibly via Belfast), Buteshire (arrived in the Clyde on 8 June), Clumberhall (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), Cressington Court (arrived at Manchester on 8 June), Donax (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), Filleigh (arrived at Milford Haven on 6 June), Goolistan (arrived at Milford Haven on 6 June), Hallanger (arrived at Swansea on 7 June), Hoegh Scout (arrived at Milford Haven on 6 June), Inventor (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), Kalypso Vergotti (arrived at Portishead on 8 June), Kiruna (arrived in the Clyde on 8 June), Lancaster Castle (arrived at Milford Haven on 6 June), Litiopa (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), Lunula (arrived in the Clyde on 8 June), Moveria (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), San Eliseo (arrived in the Clyde on 8 June), San Gabriel (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), Schuylkill (arrived at Swansea on 7 June), Scottish Heather (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), Solsten (arrived at Ardrossan on 11<(???) June), South America (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), Tamaroa (arrived in the Clyde on 8 June), Thelma (arrived in the Clyde on 8 June), Torvanger (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June), Varanger (arrived at Liverpool on 7 June) and West Cape (arrived at Swansea on 7 June). They were escorted by HMS Sandwich which arrived at Liverpool on 7 June.
The Channel / east coast section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Antonio (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Belcrest (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Beth (arrived at Brest on 7 June), Bradglen (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Brumaire (arrived at Brest on 7 June), Caprella (arrived at Southampton on 8 June), Cliona (arrived at Southampton on 8 June), Consuelo (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Coya (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Dalblair (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Dalmore (arrived at Portland on 8 June), Edward F. Johnson (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Houston City (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Inanda (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), James McGee (arrived at Brest on 6 June), Krossfonn (arrived at Brest on 7 June), Kurdistan (arrived at Portland on 7 June), Leontios Teryazos (arrived at Bordeaux on 8 June), Lylepark (arrived at Portland on 7 / 8 June), Peterston (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Rangitiki (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Rushpool (arrived at Portland on 11(???) June), Ruth Kellogg (arrived at St. Nazaire on 9 June), San Cipriano (arrived at Brest on 7 June), San Florentino (arrived in the Downs on 8 June), Waban (arrived at Portland on 7 June) and Wearwood (arrived in the Downs on 8 June). They were initially escorted by HMS Periwinkle which arrived at Plymouth on 7 June after having been relieved around 0630A/7 by HMS Hibiscus (Lt.Cdr. R. Phillips, RNR) which came from Plymouth. HMS Hibiscus arrived at Dover on 8 June. (2)
- ADM 53/113402 + ADM 53/113403 + ADM 199/49 + ADM 199/53
- ADM 53/113403 + ADM 53/113403 + ADM 199/49 + ADM 199/53
ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.
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