Sidney George Jinks, RNR
Birth details unknown |
Died | 2 Nov 1965 | | Southern General Hospital, Glasgow |
 | Ranks7 Jan 1939 | | Skr. | 6 Jan 1944 | | A/Ch.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Sidney George Jinks, RNR
Career information
Sidney George Jinks,DOB: 14/11/05 On checking the records for the ships,HMS Pembroke X 25.09.39-21.10.39 Watchful, 22.10.39-02.05.40 the Pyramus, 03.05.40-not known the Europa, for disposal 01.10.40-17.11.40 & 25.08.43- 01.09.43 & 27.02.44 - 26.03.44, 07.04.45 - 13.05.45, the Lynx, 28.05.40-30.09.40 the Nimrod, 18.11.40-01.09.42 St Andrew, 21.09.4224.08.43 Beaver at Lindisfarne 02.09.43-15.09.43 Paris 16.09.43 - 26.02.44 & 27.03.44 - 28.02.45 Marshal Soult 01.03.45 - 06.04.45 Baldur 14.05.45 - Date not given
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