Harry Philip Currey OBE, RN

Born  13 Sep 1902

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15 Sep 1922 A/S.Lt.
15 Jun 1923 S.Lt.
15 Jun 1925 Lt.
15 Jun 1933 Lt.Cdr.
30 Jun 1937 Cdr.
30 Jun 1941 Capt.
8 Jul 1953 Rear-Admiral

Retired: 25 Jul 1956


1 Jan 1942 OBE
11 Jun 1946 Mentioned in Despatches (MID)
2 Jan 1956 CB

Warship Commands listed for Harry Philip Currey, RN

HMS Aberdeen (L 97 / U 97)Cdr.Sloop5 Apr 19393 Oct 1940
HMS Ruler (D 72)Capt.Escort CarrierNov 194328 Sep 1945

Career information

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Events related to this officer

Sloop HMS Aberdeen (L 97 / U 97)

29 May 1940
At 1530A/29, an RAF Avro Anson aircraft (aircraft Q of 217Sq. RAF) reported an enemy submarine in position 49°24'N, 06°05'W. The aircraft attacked with two 100lb. A/S bombs. The enemy submarine in question was U-101 which reported the aircraft at 1630B/29 and then crash dived. Two detonations were heard two minutes later.

In a signal timed 1556A/29, the sloop HMS Aberdeen (Cdr. H.P. Currey, RN), which was in the area, was ordered to search for and attack this submarine. HMS Aberdeen had departed Plymouth earlier in the day to make rendezvous with inbound convoy SL 32.

At 1705B/29, U-101 picked up propeller noises and returned to periscope depth. A 'Bittern-class' gunboat was then sighted and an attack was started in which the rear torpedo would be fired. However when firing this torpedo the torpedo did not leave the tube. Looks like HMS Aberdeen had a lucky escape here.

At 1730B/29, while still dived, U-101 sighted an outward bound convoy but was unable to close and attack. (1)

2 Jun 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
At 0658A/2, Land's End Radio reported that the unescorted merchant vessel Polycarp (British, 3577 GRT, built 1918) was torpedoed and sunk by an enemy submarine earlier that day and that the crew had been picked up in position 49°32'N, 05°35'W by the merchant vessel Espiguette (French, 1095 GRT, built 1921).

In a signal timed 0727A/2, the C-in-C, Western Approaches, ordered the sloops HMS Rochester (Cdr. G.F. Renwick, RN) (which was escorting convoy HX 44B, the Irish Sea / west coast section of convoy HX 44) and the sloop HMS Aberdeen (Cdr. H.P. Currey, RN) (which was escorting convoy SL 32) to hunt the enemy submarine. [This was U-101].

In a signal timed 0842A/2, the sloop HMS Enchantress (Cdr. A.K. Scott-Moncrieff, RN) (which was escorting convoy HX 44A, the Channel / east coast section of convoy HX 44) was ordered to join the hunt.

In a signal timed 1801A/2, HMS Enchantress reported that she and HMS Aberdeen had searched the area without result. [U-101 reported no contact with any A/S vessels on this day.]

At 1230A/2, HMS Rochester reported sighting a surfaced submarine in position 51°36'N, 06°05'W. [No Allied or German submarine was however in this position as far as we have been able to find out.] (1)


  1. ADM 199/371 + KTB from U-101 for the period of 21 May to 25 June 1940 (NARA, T 1022, roll 3036, PG 30097)

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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