Michael Donston Capel Meyrick DSO, RN
Born | 14 May 1904 |
| Ranks
Retired: 14 May 1954 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Michael Donston Capel Meyrick, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Wivern (D 66) | Lt.Cdr. | Destroyer | 26 Jun 1940 | early 1943 |
HMS Savage (G 20) | Cdr. | Destroyer | 11 Dec 1943 | Jun 1944 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Destroyer HMS Wivern (D 66)
5 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Wivern (Cdr. M.D.C. Meyrick, RN) and HMS Vansittart (Lt.Cdr. T. Johnston, RN) departed Freetown to rendezvous with the aircraft carrier HMS Formidable (Capt. A.G. Talbot, DSO, RN) was was approaching Freetown from the south.
22 Feb 1943
HMS Wivern was damaged by exploding depth charges from the sinking Canadian corvette HMCS Weyburn.
Destroyer HMS Savage (G 20)
25 Jan 1944
HMS Savage (Cdr. M.D.C. Meyrick, DSO, RN) picks up 56 survivors from the American merchant Penelope Barker that was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-278 about 115 nautical miles from the North Cape in position 73°22'N, 22°30'E.
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