Ships hit during WWI

Ship losses by Month

February 1915

The British Steamer Rio Parana. She was hit by U 8 on 24 Feb 1915.

This is the full listing of all ships hit during February 1915. You can click on any of the links for further information on either ship, U-boat, commander or convoy.

Ships hit by U-boats during February 1915

DateU-boat Commander Name of shipType of shipTonsNat.
15 Feb 1915 U 16Klaus Hansen DulwichSteamer3,289br
15 Feb 1915 U 16Klaus Hansen Ville De LilleSteamer997fr
18 Feb 1915 U 16Klaus Hansen Dinorah (d.)Steamer4,208fr
19 Feb 1915 U 16Klaus Hansen Belridge (d.)Tanker7,020nw
20 Feb 1915 U 30Erich von Rosenberg-Gruszczynski CambankSteamer3,112br
20 Feb 1915 U 30Erich von Rosenberg-Gruszczynski DownshireSteamer337br
23 Feb 1915 U 8Alfred Stoß Branksome ChineSteamer2,026br
23 Feb 1915 U 8Alfred Stoß OakbySteamer1,976br
24 Feb 1915 U 8Alfred Stoß  HarpalionSteamer5,867br
24 Feb 1915 U 8Alfred Stoß  Rio ParanaSteamer4,015br
24 Feb 1915 U 8Alfred Stoß  Western CoastSteamer1,165br
9 ships sunk (22,784 tons) and 2 ships damaged (11,228 tons).

(d.) means the ship was damaged.
We have a picture of this vessel.

Return to Ship losses by month

Ships Attacked by U-boats during WWI