Pour le Mérite

| During World War I, Prussia's highest military award, the Orden Pour le Mérite, was awarded to officers for repeated and continual gallantry in action. Recipients were required to wear the medal whenever they were in uniform.
The decoration was also known as Blue Max. |
| Commander | Date | Command |  | Kptlt. | Adam, Hans | 6 Nov 1917 | U 82 |
 | Kptlt. | Arnauld de la Perière, Lothar von | 11 Oct 1916 | U 35 |
 | Kptlt. | Forstmann, Walter | 12 Aug 1916 | U 39 |
 | Kptlt. | Georg, Carl-Siegfried Ritter von | 24 Apr 1918 | U 101 |
 | Kptlt. | Hartwig, Kurt | 3 Oct 1918 | U 63 |
 | Oblt. | Heimburg, Heino von | 11 Aug 1917 | |
 | Kptlt. | Hersing, Otto | 5 Jun 1915 | U 21 |
 | Oblt. | Howaldt, Hans | 23 Dec 1917 | |
 | Kptlt. | Hundius, Paul | 18 Aug 1918 | UB 103 |
 | KrvKpt. | Kophamel, Waldemar | 29 Dec 1917 | |
 | Oblt. | Lohs, Johannes | 24 Apr 1918 | UB 57 |
 | Kptlt. | Marschall, Wilhelm | 4 Jul 1918 | UB 105 |
 | Kptlt. | Mellenthin, Hans von | 25 Feb 1918 | UB 49 |
 | Kptlt. | Moraht, Robert | 12 Nov 1917 | U 64 |
 | Kptlt. | Rose, Hans | 20 Dec 1917 | U 53 |
 | Oblt. | Saltzwedel, Reinhold | 20 Aug 1917 | UC 71 |
 | Kptlt. | Schultze, Otto | 18 Mar 1918 | |
 | Kptlt. | Schwieger, Walther | 30 Jul 1917 | U 88 |
 | Kptlt. | Sieß, Gustav | 24 Apr 1918 | U 33 |
 | Oblt. | Steinbauer, Wolfgang | 3 Mar 1918 | UB 48 |
 | Oblt. | Steinbrinck, Otto | 29 Mar 1916 | UB 18 |
 | Kptlt. | Valentiner, Max | 26 Dec 1916 | U 38 |
 | Kptlt. | Viebeg, Max | 31 Jan 1918 | UB 80 |
 | Kptlt. | Walther, Hans | 9 Jan 1917 | U 52 |
 | Kptlt. | Waßner, Erwin | 5 Jan 1918 | UB 59 |
 | Kptlt. | Weddigen, Otto | 24 Oct 1914 | U 9 |
 | Kptlt. | Wenninger, Ralph | 30 Mar 1918 | UB 55 |
| Kptlt. | Werner, Wilhelm | 18 Aug 1918 | |
 | Kptlt. | Wünsche, Otto | 20 Dec 1917 | U 70 |
29 officers decorated with Pour le Mérite located.
Note: This listing is still being compiled and some recipients might be missing.