WWI Officer Crews

Crew 4/07

The following men were from crew 4/07, click on any of the names for a full profile page on that commander.

  Oblt. Wilhelm Barten +UC 76
  Kptlt. Gustav Buch +UB 10, UC 4, UC 36
  Oblt. Benno von Ditfurth +UC 11, UC 11, UB 32
Kptlt. Werner FürbringerUB 2, UB 17, UB 39, UC 70, UC 17, UB 58, UB 110
 Kptlt. Georg GerthUB 12, UC 61
Kptlt. Heino von HeimburgUB 14, UB 15, UB 14, UC 22, UB 68, U 35
 Oblt. Martin Hoffmann +U 79
Kptlt. Hans HowaldtUC 4, UB 40, UB 107
Kptlt. Paul Hundius +UB 16, UC 47, UB 103
  Kptlt. Johannes KirchnerUC 13, UC 23, U 43
  Kptlt. Hermann Arthur KraußUB 118
  Oblt. Günther Kreysern +UC 3
Kptlt. Hans Kukat +UC 78, UC 78
Kptlt. Claus LafrenzUB 18, UC 65
  Oblt. Hans Lütjohann +UB 7
  Kptlt. Wilhelm MeyerUB 77, U 78
  Oblt. Friedrich Moecke +UC 4, UB 17, UC 46, UB 12
 Oblt. Ulrich MohrbutterUC 5
 Kptlt. Karl NeumannUB 13, UB 2, UB 6, UB 40, UC 67, UB 129
  Kptlt. Dietrich NiebuhrUB 43
 Oblt. Erich NoodtUB 19
 Oblt. Erich Platsch +UB 29
 Kptlt. Eberhard von Prittwitz und Gaffron +UB 107
 Kptlt. Wilhelm RheinUB 16, UB 30, UB 112
  Kptlt. Ernst Rosenow +UC 10, UB 28, UC 29
  Kptlt. Karl ScherbA, U 22, U 58, U 80
  Oblt. Paul Schürmann +UC 9
  Oblt. Hans Soergel +UC 45
 Kptlt. Johannes SpießU 9, U 19, U 52, U 19, U 135
 Oblt. Oskar SteckelbergUC 1, UB 6, UC 4
Kptlt. Otto SteinbrinckU 6, U 6, UB 10, UB 18, UC 65, UB 57
  Oblt. Hans Valentiner +UB 16, UB 37, UC 71, UB 56
  Kptlt. Karl VesperUC 4, UB 31, UC 27, UC 58, U 78
Kptlt. Ralph WenningerUB 11, UB 17, UB 17, UC 17, UB 55
 Kptlt. Friedrich Wißmann +UC 57
  Oblt. Franz Wäger +UB 1, UC 7, UB 18, UB 44
36 men from Crew 4/07 located.

 We have a photo of the commander.
 We have personal info for the commander.
+ means the man died in the war (17 of these 36 men fell).

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WWI U-boat Commanders