Hans Kükenthal
Oberleutnant zur See (Crew 4/10)
Successes 14 ships sunk with a total of 34,824 GRT 1 ship damaged with a total of 2,241 GRT |
Born: | 3 Sep 1891 | Großwalbur, Coburg |
Died: | 14 Aug 1918 | Off the Belgian coast |
 If you can help with photo or any information on this Officer please contact us at gummi@uboat.net.
| Ranks1 Apr 1910 | | Seekadett | 15 Apr 1911 | | Fähnrich zur See | 27 Sep 1913 | | Leutnant zur See | 22 Mar 1916 | | Oberleutnant zur See |
U-boat Commands
UC 49 | 3 Nov 1917 | - | 14 Aug 1918 (+) |
No entry found for this officer.
Ships hit by Hans Kükenthal
Date | U-boat | | Name of ship | Type of ship | Tons | Nat. |
8 Dec 1917 | UC 49 | | Maindy Bridge | Steamer | 3,653 |  | br |
3 Jan 1918 | UC 49 | | Blackwhale | Navy whaler | 237 |  | br |
24 Jan 1918 | UC 49 | | Fylgia | Steamer | 1,741 |  | sw |
24 Jan 1918 | UC 49 | | Jönköping 2 | Steamer | 1,274 |  | sw |
9 Feb 1918 | UC 49 | | Maggie Smith | Fishing vessel | 24 |  | br |
21 Feb 1918 | UC 49 | | Bør | Steamer | 1,149 |  | nw |
21 Feb 1918 | UC 49 | | Reaper | Drifter | 91 |  | br |
24 Feb 1918 | UC 49 | | Amsterdam | Steamer | 806 |  | br |
1 May 1918 | UC 49 | | Samsö | Motor vessel | 324 |  | da |
10 Jun 1918 | UC 49 | | Mountby | Steamer | 3,263 |  | br |
13 Jun 1918 | UC 49 | | Patia | Armed merchant cruiser | 6,103 |  | br |
22 Jun 1918 | UC 49 | | Rhea | Steamer | 1,308 |  | br |
3 Aug 1918 | UC 49 | | Warilda | Passenger steamer | 7,713 |  | br |
8 Aug 1918 | UC 49 | | Portwood (d.) | Steamer | 2,241 |  | br |
13 Aug 1918 | UC 49 | | City Of Brisbane | Steamer | 7,138 |  | br |
| 37,065 | | 14 ships sunk (34,824 tons) and 1 ship damaged (2,241 tons). Legend (d.) means the ship was damaged.
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