WWI U-boats

UC 41

Type UC II
ShipyardVulcan, Hamburg (Werk 74)
Ordered 20 Nov 1915
Launched 13 Sep 2016
Commissioned 11 Oct 1916
11 Oct 1916 - 4 Aug 1917 Kptlt. Kurt Bernis
5 Aug 1917 - 21 Aug 1917 Oblt. Hans Förste
Career 7 patrols
18 Dec 1916 - 21 Aug 1917 I Flotilla
Successes17 ships sunk with a total of 19,245 tons.
2 ships damaged with a total of 1,232 tons. (View ships hit by UC 41)
Fate 21 Aug 1917 - Suffered an explosion of own mines and was then depth charged in the Tay estuary at 5625N 0235W. 27 dead (all hands lost).

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