Italian submarine fates

Ships hit by Italian submarines


TypeCargo ship
CountrySwedish Swedish

Date of attack19 May 1942Time0041-0057
2230 GMT (e)
FateSunk by submarine Comandante Alfredo Cappellini (C.C. Marco Revedin)
Position of attack3° 28'N, 32° 15'W
Complement42 (no casualties, 42 survivors)
Notes At 1537 hours, on 18th May, a large motorship was sighted at 12,000 metres in 05°29' N, 32°19' W. Cappellini maneuvered to trail her at the limit of visibility (22,000 metres) with the intention of closing to attack after dark. At 2309 hours, the vessel changed course and contact was temporarily lost. It was regained 20 minutes later.

At 0041 hours on 19th May, in a surface attack, a single torpedo (533mm) was fired from a bow tube. It hit under the bridge.

This was the Swedish Tisnaren (5747 GRT, built 1918), a straggler from convoy OS.27 bound from Liverpool for Rio de Janeiro.

Simultaneously, from 0041 hours, the vessel was finished off by gunfire, the submarine making use of her two deck guns (100mm/47) and machine-guns and the ship was abandoned, fire being suspended while to allow them to take to the boat and then resumed at 0057 and the ship sank. There were no casualties, forty-two survivors were rescued by the steamer Green Mountain and brought to Trinidad.

Position of attack

Ships hit by Italian submarines