Carlo Zanchi
Born | 1 May 1905 | | Trieste |
Died | 1995 | (89) | Rome |

| Ranks
Decorations7 Nov 1941 | | Medaglia d'argento al valore militare | 30 Dec 1942 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare | 12 Apr 1946 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare | 12 Apr 1946 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare |
Career information
UARSCIEK (T.V. C.O.): from 10.03.1940 to to 09.10.1940.
AMMIRAGLIO MILLO (T.V. C.O.): from 28.12.1941 to 31.12.1941 (return trip Tripoli-Taranto, replacing C.C. Murzi, injured in a car accident).
Commands listed for Carlo Zanchi
Submarine |
Type |
Rank |
From |
To |
Uarsciek (UR) | Coastal / Sea going | T.V. | 10 Mar 1940 | |
Ammiraglio Millo (EM) | Ocean going | T.V. | 28 Dec 1941 | 31 Dec 1941 |
Ships hit by Carlo Zanchi
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Carlo Zanchi
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
1. | Uarsciek (UR) | 8 Jun 1940 | 1610 | Taranto | 21 Jun 1940 | 0637 | Gallipoli | | Patrolled south of Cephalonia, within 5 miles from 38°00'N, 20°26'E and Bay of Argostoli, then refit. Only neutral vessels sighted. |
2. | Uarsciek (UR) | 21 Jun 1940 | 1501 | Gallipoli | 21 Jun 1940 | 1830 | Taranto | 841 | Passage Gallipoli-Taranto. |
| Uarsciek (UR) | 26 Aug 1940 | 0735 | Taranto | 26 Aug 1940 | 1525 | Taranto | 45 | Exercises. |
| Uarsciek (UR) | 27 Aug 1940 | 1340 | Taranto | 27 Aug 1940 | 1816 | Taranto | 29 | Exercises. |
| Uarsciek (UR) | 28 Aug 1940 | 1335 | Taranto | 28 Aug 1940 | 1914 | Taranto | 45 | Exercises. |
| Uarsciek (UR) | 3 Sep 1940 | 1030 | Taranto | 3 Sep 1940 | 1140 | Taranto | 1 | Changed anchorage. |
| Uarsciek (UR) | 4 Sep 1940 | 0645 | Taranto | 4 Sep 1940 | 1259 | Taranto | 26 | Exercises. |
| Uarsciek (UR) | 5 Sep 1940 | 1525 | Taranto | 5 Sep 1940 | 1545 | Taranto | 0,3 | Changed anchorage. |
3. | Uarsciek (UR) | 6 Sep 1940 | 2325 | Taranto | 22 Sep 1940 | 1815 | Benghazi | 600 | Patrolled between Sidi Barrani and Mersa Matruh, between 32°20'N and Egyptian coast, and between 26°00'E and 26°40'E, on a patrol line with Ondina. Cut short because several members fell sick and one later died. Caused by mercury poisoning (first symptom at 0830 hours on the 15th). |
| | 7 Sep 1940 | 2050 | (0) 138° - Cape Colonne - 14 miles. | At 2050 hours, a destroyer was sighted arriving at full speed, this was the Italian destroyer Granatiere who sighted Uarsciek at a distance of 5,000 metres and mistook her for an enemy submarine of the PHOENIX or REGULUS class. The destroyer and attempted to ram the submarine after firing two salvoes from her forward guns and was joined by Bersagliere who also opened fire. The Italian warships were part of the advance screening force for the battleships Littorio, Cavour and Giulio Cesare.
Uarsciek crash dived to 90 meters, while Granatiere dropped six depth-charges and the submarine had minor damages. Part of the blame was on Uarsciek who was very slow at clearing Cape Colonne, having submerged since 1300 hours. Granatiere was reported to have avoided two torpedoes fired from the submarine but, this was not the case. There was no immediate realisation of the error and the destroyers Fuciliere and Alpino were sent to hunt the submarine. |
4. | Ammiraglio Millo (EM) | 28 Dec 1941 | 1730 | Tripoli | 31 Dec 1941 | 1230 | Taranto | 1268 | Return trip from supply mission to Tripoli [mileage is for round trip]. |
| | 31 Dec 1941 | 0207 | | At 0207 hours, a shadow was sighted and was believed to be a submarine. Millo took avoiding action. |
10 entries. 10 total patrol entries (4 marked as war patrols) and 2 events.