Plinio Pagni

| Ranks | | G.M. | Guardiamarina | | | S.T.V. | Sottotenente di Vascello |
Decorations26 Apr 1943 | | Croce di guerra al valore militare | 23 Jan 1952 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare |
Career information
DES GENEYS (G.M. Navigation Officer): from 13.12.1939 to November 1940+.
Promoted S.T.V. on ?
ANTONIO BAJAMONTI (S.T.V. First Officer): from 25.11.1941 to June 1942+.
ANTONIO BAJAMONTI (S.T.V. resp.): from 09.02.1942 to 22.02.1942 (refit at Pola).
FILIPPO CORRIDONI (S.T.V. resp.): from 25.05.1943 to 14.07.1943 (refit at Naples).
Commands listed for Plinio Pagni
Ships hit by Plinio Pagni
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Plinio Pagni
3 entries. 3 total patrol entries (0 marked as war patrols) and 0 events.