Luciano Barca
Born | 21 Nov 1920 | | Rome |
Died | 7 Nov 2012 | (91) | Rome |

| Ranks | | S.T.V. | Sottotenente di Vascello | | | S.T.V. | Sottotenente di Vascello |
Decorations3 Dec 1942 | | Medaglia d'argento al valore militare | 29 Apr 1943 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare |
Career information
AMBRA (G.M. officer) from 20.06.1941 to June 1942+.
Promoted to S.T.V. on?
H.4 (S.T.V. C.O.): from 05.10.1943 to 31.10.1943.
H.1 (S.T.V. C.O.): from 06.10.1943 to 17.11.1943.
Commands listed for Luciano Barca
Submarine |
Type |
Rank |
From |
To |
H 4 (H4) | Coastal | S.T.V. | 5 Oct 1943 | 31 Oct 1943 |
H 1 (H1, P.56) | Coastal | S.T.V. | 6 Oct 1943 | 17 Nov 1943 |
Ships hit by Luciano Barca
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Luciano Barca
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
| H 4 (H4) | 5 Oct 1943 | | Malta | 31 Oct 1943 | | Malta | | At Malta. Change in command. |
| H 1 (H1, P.56) | 13 Nov 1943 | 0716 | Malta | 13 Nov 1943 | 0835 | Malta | 6 | Exercises. |
| H 1 (H1, P.56) | 14 Nov 1943 | 0715 | Malta | 14 Nov 1943 | 1712 | Malta | 52 | Exercises. |
3 entries. 3 total patrol entries (0 marked as war patrols) and 0 events.