Giuseppe Mellina

| Ranks
Decorations8 Apr 1939 | | Medaglia d'argento al valore militare | 6 Oct 1942 | | Croce di guerra al valore militare | 4 Jul 1943 | | Croce di guerra al valore militare |
Career information
From 25.01.1940, served as MUGGIANO CAPO UFF. ALL. SMG.
From 08.06.1940, in command of 8° GRUPSOM (Trapani).
GLAUCO (C.F. C.O.): From 26.08.1940 to November 1940?
Commands listed for Giuseppe Mellina
Submarine |
Type |
Rank |
From |
To |
Glauco (GU, I.24) | Ocean going | C.F. | 26 Aug 1940 | 30 Nov 1940 |
Ships hit by Giuseppe Mellina
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Giuseppe Mellina
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
| Glauco (GU, I.24) | 14 Sep 1940 | 0735 | Naples | 14 Sep 1940 | 1200 | Naples | 26 | Exercises. |
| Glauco (GU, I.24) | 21 Sep 1940 | 0755 | Naples | 21 Sep 1940 | 1205 | Naples | 28 | Exercises. |
1. | Glauco (GU, I.24) | 26 Sep 1940 | 1931 | Naples | 20 Oct 1940 | 1136 | Le Verdon | | Sailed for Bordeaux via 38°20'N, 09°00'E and Atlantic patrol between 38°37'N and 38°40'N and 16°50'W and 32°00'W. Passed Gibraltar on 2nd October 1940. Escorted in by the German minesweepers M-13, M-21 and two V-boats (patrol boats). |
| | 3 Oct 1940 | 0528 | 35° 45'N, 6° 19'W | An enemy escort vessel was sighted and attacked with a stern shot (450mm, W 200 type) from a distance of 1,000 metres, but was missed. |
| | 3 Oct 1940 | 0530 | 35° 45'N, 6° 19'W | Two more torpedoes (533mm, S.I. type) were fired at the same target from the stern tubes, at a distance of 1,400 metres, but again missed. |
| | 4 Oct 1940 | 0900 | (0) West of Gibraltar. | On passage from Port Arthur (Texas) to Barcelona, the Spanish tanker Campero (6,382 GRT, built 1934) was stopped and her papers examined before she was allowed to proceed. |
| | 7 Oct 1940 | 0945 | 37° 07'N, 19° 36'W | AA convoy was observed, steering 030° at 10 knots. The attack was aborted due to the indecision of C.F. Mellina (who was later dismissed from submarine command due to his lack of offensive spirit). |
| | 12 Oct 1940 | 1915 | (0) West of Gibraltar. | The Portuguese Corvo (727 GRT, built 1919), on passage from Terceira to Lisbon, was stopped and her papers examined before she was released to resume her passage. |
2. | Glauco (GU, I.24) | 21 Oct 1940 | 0845 | Le Verdon | 21 Oct 1940 | 1530 | Pauillac | | Passage Le Verdon-Pauillac, escorted by the auxiliary Cap Hadid. |
3. | Glauco (GU, I.24) | 22 Oct 1940 | 0815 | Pauillac | 22 Oct 1940 | 1205 | Bordeaux | 3711 | Passage Le Verdon-Bordeaux for refit [mileage from 26th September]. |
9 entries. 5 total patrol entries (3 marked as war patrols) and 5 events.