Antonio Galante
Born | 27 Sep 1915 | | Meta di Sorrento |
Died | 28 May 1945 | (29) | Killed in the Pola massacre |

| Ranks | | G.M. | Guardiamarina | | | S.T.V. | Sottotenente di Vascello |
Decorations16 Oct 1941 | | Croce di guerra al valore militare |
Career information
VELELLA (G.M. then S.T.V. Navigation Officer): from 25.04.1940 to June 1942+.
C.B.20 (S.T.V. C.O.): Jan-Feb 1945?
Commands listed for Antonio Galante
Submarine |
Type |
Rank |
From |
To |
CB 20 () | | S.T.V. | Jan 1945 | Feb 1945 |
Ships hit by Antonio Galante
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Antonio Galante
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
1. | CB 20 () | 29 Jan 1945 | 1800 | Pola (Val di Figo) | 1 Feb 1945 | 0710 | Pola | | Sailed with CB 6 for a patrol in the Premuda-Skarda area. Recalled on 31st January on account of Operation KOGGE. |
| | 30 Jan 1945 | 1100 | (0) 5 miles west of Premuda. | At 1100 hours, a large fishing vessel was seen. CB 20 was then located by HASTIG [ASDIC] and had to dive to 65 meters to escape. |
| | 31 Jan 1945 | 0600 | (0) North of Premuda. | At 0600 hours, two MTBs were sighted on course 030°. Later, steamers were also sighted on a northerly course. |
| CB 20 () | 9 Feb 1945 | | Pola | 9 Feb 1945 | | Trieste | 300 | Passage Pola-Trieste with convoy 289, the German minesweeper R-8 and the tug Bravo 3. |
3 entries. 2 total patrol entries (1 marked as war patrols) and 2 events.