
Escort Commander

by Robertson, Terence
1979, Doubleday
199 pages
About Captain Walker RN, one of the most successful U-boat hunters. Originally published 1956 under the title "Walker RN: The Story of Captain Frederic John Walker CB, DSO, and Three Bars, RN."

Translations of this title include:


Comandante de escolta

by Robertson, Terence
(Escort commander)
1982, J. Vergara, Buenos Aires
ISBN 9501500357
294 pages
About Captain Walker RN, one of the most successful U-boat hunters.

Jagd auf die Wölfe

by Robertson, Terence
(Hunt for the Wolves)
1960, Stalling Verlag Oldenburg
224 pages, 25 B & W photos
About Captain Walker RN, one of the most successful U-boat hunters.

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